Casting Doubt on Appeal, Court Rejects Bail for Ex-SAC Capital Trader

Mathew Martoma, with his wife, Rosemary, leaving the federal courthouse in New York after his sentencing in September.Credit Brendan McDermid/Reuters

Mathew Martoma’s bid to stay out of prison pending an appeal of his insider trading conviction did not last much past lunchtime.

A three-judge appellate panel issued a brief order on Wednesday afternoon denying his request to delay the start of his nine-year prison sentence just a few hours after hearing an argument from his lawyers on the matter. The judges, from the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York, ruled that Mr. Martoma had “failed to show that the appeal ‘raises a substantial question of law or fact.’”

In denying Mr. Martoma’s request for bail, the court vacated a stay that had delayed his surrender to the authorities. Mr. Martoma, 40, a former portfolio manager for the hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors, was scheduled to begin serving his prison term on Monday, most likely at a federal prison near his home in Florida.

It is now up to the trial judge to set a new date for Mr. Martoma to begin serving his sentence.

The bail ruling is not a verdict on the merits of his appeal. But given the court’s fast decision, it does not bode well for Mr. Martoma, a married father of three. He was convicted in February of carrying out one of the largest insider trading schemes ever while working for SAC, Steven A. Cohen’s former hedge fund.

A former federal prosecutor who did not want to be identified because he had not worked on the case said that bail pending appeal is often granted in such cases, barring extreme circumstances.

Mr. Martoma was sentenced in September to nine years in prison, after his conviction on charges that he helped SAC avoid losses and generate $275 million in profits during the summer of 2008.

During the hearing on Wednesday morning, the panel seized on Mr. Martoma’s argument that the trial judge might have erred by excluding a deposition given by Mr. Cohen from his trial.

The judges at the hearing peppered Eugene Ingoglia, a federal prosecutor, with questions about the pretrial ruling by Judge Paul G. Gardephe of Federal District Court in Manhattan that kept Mr. Martoma’s defense team from introducing Mr. Cohen’s deposition. The Securities and Exchange Commission took the deposition during its own investigation of Mr. Martoma and Mr. Cohen’s former hedge fund.

Mr. Martoma’s appellate lawyers, like his trial counsel, contend that Mr. Cohen’s deposition would have offered an explanation for Mr. Cohen’s decision to quickly sell a $700 million position that the hedge fund had amassed in shares of two pharmaceutical companies, Elan and Wyeth, just days before an announcement by the companies of poor results for an experimental Alzheimer’s drug they were developing.

Mr. Cohen, 58, also decided to take a short position in one of the drug companies, Elan, after speaking to Mr. Martoma about a change of heart he had about the drug. A short position is a bet that a stock will decrease in value.

In keeping the testimony from the jury, Judge Gardephe sided with prosecutors working for Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for Manhattan. They had argued that Mr. Cohen would not be available to be questioned on the testimony because of the likelihood he would assert his constitutional right not to testify against himself. The judge added that the prosecution did not have a chance to question Mr. Cohen during the S.E.C.’s deposition and might have handled the proceeding differently.

In court papers, Paul D. Clement, a former United States solicitor general who is one of Mr. Martoma’s appellate lawyers, said Judge Gardephe’s ruling was incorrect because the S.E.C. and federal prosecutors were working closely together in the months before Mr. Martoma was charged with insider trading.

Mr. Ingoglia, of the prosecutor’s office, said the investigation was a one-way street, with the S.E.C. providing some information to federal prosecutors but not the other way around. He also said the deposition would not have been much help to Mr. Martoma in explaining away his own insider trading.

Judge Rosemary S. Pooler, of the appeals court, responded by asking Mr. Ingoglia why prosecutors sought to exclude the deposition, if it would not necessarily help Mr. Martoma’s defense. Mr. Ingoglia said prosecutors made a “strategic decision,” in part to avoid confusing the jury.

Mr. Martoma’s lawyers contend the deposition is critical given the sentence imposed on Mr. Martoma.

Mr. Cohen, who now runs a family office called Point72 Asset Management that manages more than $10 billion of his own money, was not charged with insider trading, even though his former hedge fund pleaded guilty to securities fraud charges. Mr. Cohen still faces a civil administrative proceeding filed by the S.E.C. that could lead to his being barred from working in the securities industry.

In a written ruling handed down shortly before sentencing Mr. Martoma to a lengthy prison term, Judge Gardephe noted that the evidence at the trial proved that Mr. Martoma “provided inside information to Cohen.”