
Dallas City Employees Honored For Rescue

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) -Two Dallas city workers got some special recognition Wednesday for going above and beyond what their jobs normally ask of them.

The city workers rescued a co-worker when his truck crashed into white rock creek yesterday.

Tuesday, Raul Alamillo and Brent English were on their way to a job site when they saw the city truck partially submerged in the lake, near Goforth Road and Deer Trail.

The men quickly jumped in the cold water to help the driver, who was up to his shoulders in water.  The driver was awake, according to information provided by the City of Dallas, but he was not able to move.

They were recognized for their good deed in front of the entire Dallas City Council.

Alamillo and English used a wrench to open the door and a hammer to break the truck’s window and pull their co-worker to safety.

He was taken to the hospital and is in stable condition.  The driver has yet to be identified.  He suffered a medical emergency before losing control of his truck.

“It was common sense,” said Alamillo. “I knew someone needed our help so I had to stop to help. It didn’t matter if it was another City employee or a citizen.”

The men say they didn’t know they were saving a co-worker until they got close enough to recognize the man inside.

“These employees went above and beyond their regular call of duty,” said Dallas City Manager A.C. Gonzalez. “They are heroes and deserve to be commended for saving a co-worker’s life.”

The driver was transported to an area hospital and is in stable condition. He is now better he may even leave the hospital Wednesday.

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