When It Takes a Woman to Design Products for Women

The Story Exchange

Telling the stories of women business owners.

This is the third in our video series on Women in Tech. You can see the first video here and the second one here.

Amy Sheng can sum up in one sentence why it’s important to have more female scientists and engineers designing products — especially if those products involve childbirth or breast-feeding. “A guy cannot fundamentally understand,” she said.

A Stanford-educated mechanical engineer, Ms. Sheng was reacting to recent efforts, including a hackathon that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology held in September to come up with a better breast pump. But the sentiment also applies to her own company’s invention, which is aimed chiefly at mothers.

Ms. Sheng is a co-founder of CellScope, a smartphone attachment that allows parents to take videos of a child’s middle ear that can be sent to doctors for an ear-infection diagnosis. She began working on the idea when she was pregnant; she now has two sons under the age of 4. “I personally experienced the pain point,” she said. “My child is screaming and sick, and the pediatrician’s office is closed because it’s 9 o’clock at night. From an entrepreneur’s perspective, there is nothing better than being an actual user.”

The fact that fewer women found start-ups around science and new technologies is a concern to nonprofits like the Kauffman Foundation and corporations like 3M, Merck and Dell (and even the White House). When female perspectives are left out, innovations tend to be male-centric, often overlooking the needs or desires of women.

“When new companies and industries flourish, everyone benefits,” according to a Kauffman report, “Overcoming the Gender Gap.” “And the returns will increase when more women contribute to the process by bringing their ideas to market and building high-growth firms around them.”

Women who are pursuing start-ups in tech or science say they are often inspired to create products that they as consumers would use. In San Francisco, Leah Sparks and Katherine Bellevin are developing Due Date Plus, a smartphone-enabled maternity program. Surbhi Sarna of nVision, who suffered from ovarian cysts, is working on devices to detect ovarian cancer and tube blockages.

Barriers remain high, however. Most of the venture capitalists who finance start-ups in the STEM fields are men who don’t always understand or feel comfortable with women-centric technologies. Ms. Sarna, who has raised $4.5 million, said she stopped using the word “vagina” in her pitch, because it made men squirm. She didn’t have the same issue pitching to Astia Angels, a group that specializes in investing in women-led ventures.

Unlike many women, Ms. Sheng said she was encouraged at an early age to pursue science. Her father, who worked in laser technology, flew planes and taught her about the physics of flying. Her mother was a scientist who took Ms. Sheng along on trips on which she watched her mother present research findings at international conferences. Working in science and tech, she said, never seemed unusual “because I saw my mom doing that.”

Ms. Sheng, along with her co-founder, Erik Douglas, has raised $5.6 million for CellScope, which was spun out of a research lab at the University of California, Berkeley in 2011. Before joining the lab, Ms. Sheng helped design an artificial heart at Abiomed and a microscope for blood smears at Medica, both in the Boston area. After moving back to San Francisco, her hometown, to be closer to family, she heard about Berkeley’s research lab, which was designing a microscope for remote diagnoses of tuberculosis and malaria in developing nations. She took a pay cut to join the lab. “It was the riskier and more uncertain path,” she said, “but I was definitely more excited by it.”

After two years, Ms. Sheng and Mr. Douglas decided to license the lab’s technology and form CellScope to focus on health care issues closer to home. Ms. Sheng said they knew from talking to parents that children’s ear infections were a real concern. They have spent the last few years building a prototype for the otoscope, refining the design and signing up 800 doctors to use it. The doctors, she said, “were instrumental in helping us validate the quality of our product and providing feedback on how to improve it.”

CellScope, which now has 12 employees, plans a limited release in January of the Oto HOME to consumers in California, selling the otoscope and its related software for $79. After parents use the device for an ear exam, they can use the software to communicate with CellScope’s network of doctors. The fee will be $40 per remote diagnosis, she said.

The company also plans to sell a professional version, for $300, that doctors can use in their offices to show patients (or their parents) a digital video of the eardrum and explain diagnoses.

Ms. Sheng said the products would be sold directly from CellScope’s website, and the company has hired a business development manager to help widen distribution to retail shelves. Initially, the focus will be on parents of children who get three or more ear infections a year; she estimated that nearly five million children in the United States get chronic ear infections. The company plans to target these parents through social media, email campaigns and word-of-mouth marketing.

After years of refining the product’s technical design, Ms. Sheng said she was looking forward to tackling more business-related challenges. “Building something is one thing,” she said. “It’s another thing to figure out the model and how to monetize it.”

Colleen DeBaise is director of digital media for The Story Exchange, a nonprofit media organization dedicated to telling the stories of women who own businesses. You can follow it on Twitter.

Correction: November 13, 2014
An earlier version of this post misidentified the region of the ear that Ms. Sheng's device observes. It is the middle ear, not the inner ear.