Microsoft says Xbox One sales are 'skyrocketing'

Nov 13, 2014, 10:54am CST

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​Microsoft Corp. said sales of its Xbox One console are "skyrocketing" and "sales in the US have more than tripled" since the company reduced the price by $50 earlier this month.

Contributing Editor- Puget Sound Business Journal

Microsoft Corp. said sales of its Xbox One console are "skyrocketing" and "sales in the US have more than tripled" since the company reduced the price by $50 earlier this month.

Yusuf Mehdi, corporate vice president of devices and studios at Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) said "sales have skyrocketed since the new price took effect on Nov. 2. Compared to the previous week, Xbox One sales in the US have more than tripled."

He added that the company has sold more than 10 million Xbox One consoles to retailers, and Xbox One has outsold Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 4 for the past two weeks.

"The past few weeks have been incredibly exciting, marked by a series of highly-anticipated game and bundle launches and the most affordable prices yet for Xbox One," Mehdi said in a blog post.

Microsoft has roughly 1,200 in its Irving offices.


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