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  • Lessons from a marshmallow: The self-control test sticks with us today

    Between 1968 and 1974, more than 600 students at Bing Nursery School in Palo Alto, Calif., took part in the "marshmallow test," one of the most famous studies in psychology. The "test" was the brainchild of psychologist Walter Mischel, then of Stanford University, who set out to understand how children develop the ability to delay gratification, a critical skill for success in life.

  • Parents @ Play: Toys to keep cabin fever at bay

    We just set our clocks back, so you know winter is just around the corner. And if last year was any indication, this one's going to be a doozy. As the temperature drops, the kids will be spending more and more time indoors, and the last thing you want is a bunch of bored minions to entertain. Here are a few of the latest fun toys that are perfect for quelling cabin fever.

  • Bringing parents to decision's cliff helps kids scale adulthood

    I'm standing in the kitchen unloading groceries when my 17-year-old walks in and asks if he can borrow the car for the weekend. To go mountain-climbing. On a real Appalachian mountain. Six hours away. With two other 17-year-old boys who've never been more than a soccer field away from adult supervision either.

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