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Thursday, November 13, 2014


Andrew Swartz and Kelly Aronowitz Katz embrace during a presentation at their reception.
Tina Fineberg for The New York Times

Andrew Swartz and Kelly Aronowitz Katz embrace during a presentation at their reception.

Ten days, four dates and dozens of phone calls later, the couple was engaged after a first date through a matchmaker operating in New York’s subways.


Unraveling, in Slow Motion

Michela Buttignol

After nearly 20 years of marriage, David Grah and Mary Daniel, college sweethearts, divorced and have begun making new lives for themselves.

More Weddings & Celebrations

Mr. Weiss and Ms. Osofsky were both fed up with dating, then suddenly they met and their relationship took flight.

John Robinson/Robinson Imagery

Warm Words With a Frequent Visitor

The couple are graduates of the University of Virginia.

Adele Lewis and Jay Gleacher

The bride is pursuing an M.B.A. in London, where the groom is a partner in a commodities trading firm.

Marlena Reese and Reginald McKnight

The couple were married in the Lawless Memorial Chapel on the campus of Dillard University in New Orleans.

Joui Hessel and James Hexter

The bride is a rabbi; the groom is a senior partner in an investment firm.

Ying Wang and Patrick Dooley

The bride works in video advertising and technology and the groom is a management consultant.

Leigh Jones and Christina Shaffer

The two women were joined under Pennsylvania’s self-uniting marriage statute.

Lauren Elinsky and Robert Meek

The bride works in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence; the groom is a director at KPMG, the accounting firm.

Supreme Court Lets Gay Marriages Proceed in Kansas

The justices, with Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas dissenting, lifted a temporary stay that had been issued on Monday.

Wedding Album
Unique Wedding Accessories

The Vows section of The Times publishes an occasional series of readers’ wedding-related Instagram photos, called Wedding Album. This month’s theme is unique wedding accessories.

Not Another Blender

A selection of wedding gifts that are charming by design.

Field Notes
Standing on Ceremony for a Couple of Regulars

Owners of a Hell’s Kitchen bar fully embrace the idea of hosting weddings.

Highlights From Bridal Fashion Week

Held shortly after a month of ready-to-wear presentations conclude in Paris, Bridal Week in New York City is a relative bastion of traditionalism.

Lens Blog
Same-Sex Couples, at Ease at Home

Sage Sohier’s photos of same-sex couples were inspired, in part, by her father — who never admitted he was gay despite having lived with boyfriends.

The Upshot
The Best Places to Find a Mate (Who Has a Job)

Clarksville, Tenn., might be fun for single women. We look at other places where, according to research, the odds are good for both sexes.

Vows of Love

Our nine favorite videos about love.

Divorce: Share Your Experience

We are looking for couples who have split up and are willing to talk about how their lives have changed and what they have learned.

How to Submit a Wedding Announcement

Everything you need to know about submitting information to The Times about wedding and celebration announcements.

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For the latest wedding announcements, Vows columns and other related articles from the Weddings/Celebrations desk.



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