Crush of the week: Blue Ivy Carter

She may be only two, but Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s daughter is already making waves. And for all the right reasons

Crush: Blue Ivy Carter
‘She seems like a happy, well-adjusted kid. The world needs more of those.’ Photograph: Beyoncé on Instagram

Was it the pink microphone or the single diamanté-studded white glove? Either way, Blue Ivy Carter, the offspring of Beyoncé and Jay-Z, won Halloween last week when she dressed as epaulette-era Michael Jackson. But then Blue has been on something of a winning streak this year.

Yes, she’s only two, and we can discuss the moral decline of humanity another time. What I find interesting is how her parents are helping her navigate the wild west of public life. The couple who, as Bey snarled on the ***Flawless remix, are worth $1bn, seem to be trying to make Blue’s life as “normal” as possible.

So last month, on Instagram, we saw her on a day trip with her parents – admittedly a private view of the Louvre – joyfully standing over an air vent so that her dress billowed. We saw her in a setting that could be the grounds of the palace of Versailles, but is probably her back yard, pretending to bench press her dad. The Knowles-Carters could easily truss Blue up in designer ensembles (Tom Ford sent her miniature strappy heels in 2013) and take her to the fashion front rows. But they choose not to, which means her appearance at the VMAs this summer was all the more lovely. She danced, then trilled, “Good job, Mommy”, as they presented an award. She seems like a happy, well-adjusted kid. The world needs more of those.

Best of all, Blue wears her hair naturally, fuzzy edges and all, much to the dismay of the respectability police. “Bey should comb that baby’s hair!” a ridiculous petition entreated. But Blue has no time for combs – she’s too busy living that #carefreeblackgirl life.