
Most recent

  • Hayley Campbell on a taxidermy workshop 17 Oct 2014: Scalpels at the ready – but will learning the skills of a taxidermist be the stuff of nightmares for our writer?
  • 10 Oct 2014: For his 50th birthday, Claire Potter set her husband 50 mini-challenges – not sky-diving or running a marathon, but everyday adventures designed to get more out of life. The experiment isn’t over yet, but the results are already astonishing
  • Roadworks on the A21 4 Oct 2014: Stephen Moss: It’s easy to mock those who collect traffic cones or photograph hedges, but they embody the very essence of Britishness
  • 3 Oct 2014: Open thread: The Dull Men’s Club calendar has opened our eyes to the less-than enthralling pastimes people enjoy. We want to hear yours
  • 14 Sep 2014: From the xylophone bin to the finger nose stylus, inventor Dominic Wilcox is the master of repurposing everyday objects. The effects range from whimsical to surreal to slightly disturbing, finds Tim Dowling
  • A biscuiteer at work 8 Sep 2014:

    Tech tips for turning your craft from pastime to payday

  • 30 Aug 2014:

    Do you read industry trade magazines on holiday? Does 'normcore' mean anything to you? Take Tim Dowling's quiz to find out just how boring you are

  • 30 Aug 2014:

    Stationery may not be everyone's cup of tea, but to James Ward it is endlessly fascinating – staplers especially. He explains why, and meets five people with similarly obscure passions, from sneezes to tills to hand dryers

  • John O Groats to Land's End 5 Aug 2014: The sun has been shining across Britain this summer and we’d like to know where you’ve been cycling in the glorious weather. Share your summer inspired cycling photos and experiences via GuardianWitness
  • 2 Aug 2014: GrrlScientist: Today's glimpse into the fascinating life of Chicken, the dwarf hamster superstar, finds her going about her typical morning routine
  • 14 Jul 2014: James Walsh: A 116-mile overnight jaunt from London to the Suffolk coast is becoming a popular ride with hardcore cyclists and novices alike
  • Dzhungarian dwarf hamster, Phodopus sungorus. 5 Jul 2014: GrrlScientist: Dwarf hamsters are small but they have an outsized effect on one's life.
  • 27 Jun 2014:

    Stephen Moss: The death of boxer Lance Ferguson-Prayogg following a fight in Nottingham shows that this branch of the sport needs regulation

  • 23 Jun 2014:

    Whether you are an absolute beginner or already have basic leather-working skills, there is a course for you

  • Hannah Booth with handbag 23 Jun 2014:

    Designer bags are beyond most budgets. How hard can it be to make one yourself?

1-15 of 84 for Hobbies

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