David Brooks

Josh Haner/The New York Times

David Brooks became a New York Times Op-Ed columnist in September 2003. He has been a senior editor at The Weekly Standard, a contributing editor at Newsweek and the Atlantic Monthly, and he is currently a commentator on "The Newshour with Jim Lehrer." He is the author of "Bobos In Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There" and “On Paradise Drive : How We Live Now (And Always Have) in the Future Tense,” both published by Simon & Schuster. His most recent book is “The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement,” published by Random House in March 2011.


Mr. Brooks joined The Weekly Standard at its inception in September 1995, having worked at The Wall Street Journal for the previous nine years. His last post at the Journal was as op-ed editor. Prior to that, he was posted in Brussels, covering Russia, the Middle East, South Africa and European affairs. His first post at the Journal was as editor of the book review section, and he filled in for five months as the Journal's movie critic.

Mr. Brooks graduated from the University of Chicago in 1983, and worked as a police reporter for the City News Bureau, a wire service owned jointly by the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times.

He is also a frequent analyst on NPR’s "All Things Considered" and the "Diane Rehm Show." His articles have appeared in the The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, Forbes, the Washington Post, the TLS, Commentary, The Public Interest and many other magazines. He is editor of the anthology "Backward and Upward: The New Conservative Writing" (Vintage Books).



The Agency Moment

A bold letter from George Eliot in July 1852 exemplifies the moment she took the wheel in her life. Everyone comes to that point eventually.

November 14, 2014, Friday

The Legacy of Fear

The post-communist states have not flourished as expected. It is much harder to change a culture and a mind than an economic system.

November 11, 2014, Tuesday

The Governing Party

Republicans detoxify the brand with deep roots in the business community, the military, the church and civic organizations.

November 7, 2014, Friday

The Republican Party In Triumph

Brooks and Collins on the full extent of the Election Day devastation of Democrats, including some who weren’t on the ballot.

November 5, 2014, Wednesday

Death by Data

Politicians are micro-targeting their messages at their own peril.

November 4, 2014, Tuesday

Our Machine Masters

The age of artificial intelligence is finally at hand. Will we master it, or will it master us?

October 31, 2014, Friday

Political Infections

Brooks and Collins on conflicting responses to Ebola, the meaning of the midterms and the pleasure of voting for effective crooks.

October 28, 2014, Tuesday

Why Partyism Is Wrong

Political discrimination is more prevalent than you would imagine, and its harmful effects haven’t been fully considered.

October 28, 2014, Tuesday

The Working Nation

There is a clear agenda for job growth that can materially and spiritually reinvigorate America. We just need to be willing to pursue it.

October 24, 2014, Friday

What Would Edmund Burke Say?

Brooks and Collins on revolutionary change, oppositional politics and the electoral future of Elizabeth Warren, Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton.

October 21, 2014, Tuesday

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