Texas Judge Backs School District That Suspended Boy for Refusing Handshake

Seth Anderson via Flickr
Buck up, P.M. Someday you may be on a mural.
A kid who was suspended 10 days from high school is super awesome, according to a federal lawsuit filed by his parents. "He is currently taking honors classes and a higher level math class than most of his peers," says a suit filed by his mother, Tiffany Macklin. The boy, identified in court documents only as P.M., was valedictorian of his eighth-grade class in the Petrolia Consolidated Independent School District, a rural district about 140 miles northwest of Dallas. The suspension, his parents warn, could be disastrous.

"P.M. will likely be labeled a 'troublemaker,'" the suit says. "P.M. is going into high school with new teachers that do not necessarily know he has never been in trouble before."

In those 10 days of suspension, P.M. will also miss the opportunity to vote on class officers, even though he used to be a class president, and he will also have to miss the first two football games, which his mother alleges is "not only punishing him but is also punishing the team." That's how good he is at football.

But while that all sounds like standard, my-kid-can-do-no-wrong parent talk, the circumstances that lead to P.M.'s suspension are unusual. Last year, in middle school, P.M. didn't get along with the superintendent of his school, a man named Derrith Welch. The lawsuit doesn't specify the problem, other than vaguely accusing Welch of harassing P.M. (A Petrolia ISD secretary said that federal law prevents Welch or others employed by the district from commenting).

So during his eighth-grade graduation ceremony last May, P.M. made the bold move not to shake Welch's hand on the stage as he was getting his diploma, instead only offering his hand to the principal. Welch, however, reached out and grabbed P.M.'s hand anyway, the suit says. P.M. pulled away from his grasp.

"It was classic," Tiffany Macklin posted on her Facebook page afterward. "Welch tried to force a handshake and [P.M.] yanked his hand away. Welch turned about 4 shades of red."

The next month, the Macklin family got a letter in the mail from the junior high/high school principal saying that P.M. would be suspended for the first 10 days of his freshman year, which began at the end of August. His offense? "...purposefully not offering his right hand for a hand shake to the Petrolia CISD Superintendent, Mr. Welch, and blatantly jerking his hand away from Mr. Welch when he (P. M.) Received his certificate as he walked across the stage."

In emails back and forth with the school principal last month, Tiffany Macklin argued that a 10-day suspension is extreme, and, in true Texas fashion, suggested that the school just give P.M. "swats" instead. "Other kids have," she wrote of getting swats. "Many times." She's not exaggerating. Petrolia CISD's 2014-2015 Student Code of Conduct says that corporal punishment for all students is a given unless parents sign a form saying they won't allow it.

But Petrolia ISD wanted to stick with the suspension, so the Macklin family sued in federal court last month. Robert K. Roach, the magistrate judge for the Wichita Falls Division of the Northern District of Texas, just sided with the school.

Roach agreed that the Petrolia CISD overreacted, and that P.M. had every right not to shake the superintendent's hand. The federal judge also attempted to make use of some cool kid slang: "I find that the school district has wholly failed to demonstrate that it had any reasonable apprehension that this incident caused or would cause .. .wholesale 'dissing' of teachers, principals and persons in authority."

In the end, however, Roach ruled that if P.M. wants to break the school's silly rules, he should be willing to do it and embrace whatever happens afterward. "This is plain and simple disobedience counseled by P.M.'s mother for which one should expect and be willing to accept punishment and discipline," Roach wrote.

In other words: Kid, if you want to cause trouble with the people who run your school, then do it and own that "troublemaker" label.

Send your story tips to the author, Amy Silverstein.

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Next time just tell the superintendent that "our love was never meant to last" and move on. By the time he breaks that sentence down, you'll be 3 or 4 kids down the line.


The mother is mentioned as she is a teacher who has a problem with the superintendent . She doesn't like that she is disciplined as well and is teaching the same to her child. Most think it horrible that he, as Valedictorian, has to shake the hand of the Superintendent handing him a diploma. Did you not graduate? Did you not shake the hands of those who presented it. The kid isn't a germaphobe afraid to touch people. He was being disobedient at the instructions of his in subordinate parent. It comes down to disobeying a parent who can punish harshly or disobeying the school. The kid with any luck will rise above this horrible woman who put him in this place in the first place. Perhaps we can send her to YOUR school to make frivolous lawsuits over incidents she instigated.


First of all, I seriously question whether the federal government has ANY regulation or rule or law that allows them to violate the First Amendment and limit free speech - especially to legitimate media. 

Second, while it's considered a little anti-social for someone not to shake a hand that is offered, it is NOT disrespectful or necessarily discourteous.  Unless there is a specific rule about that - which would be absurd on its face, I find it terribly unjust to suspend the kid from the first ten days of the NEXT grade.  That also strikes me as being both unfair and rather irregular.

I totally disagree with the federal judge, and am confident appealing this case to a higher court would be sufficient for the district to be ordered to suspend the punishment, and not the student. 

This boy sounds like a great kid, and has demonstrated leadership talent as well as exemplary performance in school.  IF he was really used as a pawn by his mother, then that sin should be on the mother; not on a minor in the 8th grade. 

Who wants to bet that this judge had a particularly personal reason for a flawed ruling in favor of the school district. 


We are a fucked up state.

Feti are being granted allkinds of rights.

but once that kid pops, it's into the basrment or closet for years of abuse.

Enter a school and the child gives up all rights under the Constitution, being subject to idiotic rules, capriciously applied by petty tyrants, with no hope of common sense's being applied in the 'justice' system.

And then if/when they graduate we expect them to magically turn into law abiding citizens, when we have provided the only examples of the opposite.

And it's all frosted over with the self serving pukish delusion that the adults are plugged in to a deity, who has not weighed in either way in these frays.

And these adults droolingly exalt their and their state's supposed independent spirit, yet they are slavish suckasses for authority, in the unamerican and imbecilic belief thst others' rights don't matter, cuz it can't happen to them.


Dear P.M's mom:

You're icing your son's chances of getting laid. High school chicks dig troublemakers, not kid's whose mom's make a federal case (literally) over a 10 day vacation.


In 1776 that judge woukd have been a Tory. What a shit bag.

So, someone please walk up to him and force a handshake on him while filming....

bvckvs topcommenter

It's a conservative town.  Nuff said.

bmarvel topcommenter

"wants to break the school's silly rules, he should be willing to do it and embrace whatever happens afterward. "

Axiomatic, I would think. What's the point of martyrdom if you're not martyred?


This is the school superintendent being a self-important jerk. If I lived in the district I would raising a bloody stink with the school board. And, if I had kids there, I would be seriously looking at sending them to either a private school or home schooling them.


Looks like "dissing" has officially been removed from the young whippersnappers vernacular. Someone alert urban dictionary.


He is not being immature. It's just that the mean old superintendent is being a big doo doo head.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

You all missed the actual problem here, 8TH GRADE GRADUATION.  This shit is getting out of hand, There is fucking graduation for every grade now or what?!?!?!  I remember Kindergarten and HS graduation for me.  God Im not looking forward to spring time when every parent will post pics of their kids 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc graduation.  OMG die, we need an Alice "cheapbastard" Laussade article on this, the cheapening of graduation


And if schools didn't have meaningless "graduation" ceremonies to begin with, this couldn't have happened. What's next? First grader spends first semester in the doghouse for calling principal "Mr Poopie Pants" at Kindergarten grad ceremony?


The kid is learning a valuable life lesson.  There is always a price to pay for disobedience, even civil disobedience.  Unfortunately he had to learn the hard way (which is how one usually learns those type of lessons).  Experience is a cruel teacher.  It gives the test first and the lesson afterwards.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

Take1-part Blackhawk mother, add 1 entitled kid and 1 self-improtant school district bureaucrat - shake well.

Douchebag cocktail.


He was just being a good Pirate, like their mascot, and defying authority!

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

No child should be forced to touch a teacher. No teacher should be allowed to touch a child against their will.


Montemalone topcommenter

What nobody heard was Welch saying "pull my finger" and the kid freaked.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

PCISD Corporal Punishment Consent Form:

"Corporal punishment will be administered as soon as possible after an offense and will 

not be administered in anger. The principal or a designee may choose not to use 

corporal punishment even if the parent has requested its use. Any use of corporal 

punishment will be documented on a district form. The principal or a designee will 

inform the parent when corporal punishment is used. Paddles used for administering 

corporal punishment will not be generally displayed and will be under the control of the 

principal or designee. Corporal punishment will be limited to spanking or paddling and 

will consist of an appropriate number of strikes based upon the size, age, and the 

physical, mental, and emotional condition of the student. Before corporal punishment is 

used, the district may give the student a choice between other disciplinary measures 

and corporal punishment."

Good God!  It's right out of a Dickens novel.


@bvckvs The judge is a liberal.  But, this has nothing to do with conservative or liberal.  It has to do with something else we don't know about.  The ruling by the federal judge is flawed, and should be appealed. P.M. and his mother would win.


@bmarvel I think this was the mother, instead of the kid, presenting the challenge.  A kid in the 8th grade shouldn't be held responsible for doing what his mother suggests. 

That's why I think this judge is a buffoon.

I agree with Tim that this is a job for the school district's board.  

It is just plain wrong to give punishment in a grade the child is not in, to pay for something he did in a grade from which he has graduated. 

The judge is as wrong as the superintendent.

bvckvs topcommenter


You might even want to take it a bit further - moving them out of that tribal region altogether.  After all, what they're doing at the schools is a pretty good indicator of how they run their police, fire, sanitation and everything else.


@ScottsMerkin I couldn't agree more. But, remember, every kid gets a participation ribbon.  Also, what 7th grade has a class president for a year and a Valedictorian? 

It is the school that is ridiculous; not the kid.  Just more Left-wing liberal Fascism in action.

bvckvs topcommenter


It's funny when grumpy, old men get all surprised and angry whenever they learn something new about the modern world - like how kids graduate from various levels of school, use their phones to send texts, or use tablets to manage their social networks.


Bastardization of Graduation!

bvckvs topcommenter


He was punished with a 10-day vacation - so I guess experience isn't always so cruel.

bmarvel topcommenter

@MaxNoDifference Let's hope in the future, as the stakes are raised, he chooses his targets more carefully.


@dingo But it was a real good thing he done, a really good thing.


@DonkeyHotay reverse the roles and the kid tries to forcefully shake a teacher's hand, he would be in juvie serving a sentence for aggravated assault

bvckvs topcommenter


Amen.  But his is a conservative town, and they're HUGE fans of touching kids.  It gets them in a lot of trouble, but like the Duck Commander said, it's their cultural tradition to be that way.

observist topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay So, if two kids are fighting, the teacher should just yell at them until they stop?  Or should she call the police so they can throw the kids on the floor, handcuff them and charge them with disorderly conduct?

How about teachers should refrain from touching students against their will, unless required for disciplinary reasons.   

In this case, however, the superintendent has a pathetically fragile ego and is being petty and vindictive. A 10-day suspension would be more appropriate punishment if the kid hit the guy instead of just refusing to shake his hand.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz I got "The Board of Education" a couple times in Junior High.

It was either that, or they would have called my parents.


@bvckvs This judge is nothing more than a part-time Magistrate Judge; not a real federal judge with staff. Sounds just like what I thought it was:  Judge Shopping.

You can bet this hypocritical jerk of a judge would take this case to the Supreme Court were it his grandchild being single out and shamed in the 8th grade, stigmatizing him for quite some time in the future. 

And, this is the kind of kid everyone - including the school district - in whom the "adults" involved should be very proud.

bvckvs topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @bvckvs 

That's a terrible thing to say... about the Taliban.

At least when they spew ultra-conservative religious nonsense, they believe it. Republicans don't have that virtue.

bmarvel topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas @bmarvel Either way, the kid has learned a valuable lesson, and one that's not often taught in school: Effective protest requires risk. The greater the cause, the greater the risk. Don't do the protest if you can't deal with that. And don't complain afterwards. It makes your protest insincere.

If these rules were followed we'd have fewer protests, but the ones that remained would be more meaningful.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@bvckvs @ScottsMerkin ... or how High Schools now begin at the 9th grade, meaning that 8th grade graduation is the equivalent of the old Jr. High to High School transition, and celebrated accordingly.

So many changes ...


@observist  Juvenile detention would be appropriate if the student had hit the principal, but why speak in ridiculous hypotheticals?

Montemalone topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @Montemalone

It would be interesting to find out what really happened between the kid and Welch that led to the "dissing".

Man, those goat fucking country bumpkin rednecks are so hip.

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