Big Ticket
Charles Bird King’s Tah-Col-O-Quoit is part of AMA’s Imprinting the West, part of Gallery Night.

The Art of the Night

The calendar says it’s still summer, but Fall Gallery Night is upon us anyway to herald the coming of autumn, inundating us with art and challenging us to make a complete meal out of amuse bouches. The biggest opening this we...

Blackmail (1929)

Getting Hitched

In a 1997 Australian college comedy called Love and Other Catastrophes, a film professor informs his students that they’ll spend the semester studying Alfred Hitchcock’s works. The students groan with disappointment, and a ...

Augustin Hadelich plays with FWSO, Fri & Sun.

When Great Minds Meet

Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra returns to action this weekend with a festival of music by Johannes Brahms and Antonin Dvorák. The pairing is more than just that of two composers who happened to live at the same time with roughl...

Fort Worth Vaqueros appear at Sundance Square, Sat.

Just for Kicks

It’s time for football season! Don’t worry; we’re not touting the Cowboys’ preseason game here. No, we mean English soccer, which starts up this weekend. NBC already broadcasts a late game at 11am on most Saturdays, but...

Michael Wittman performs in SceneShop’s J.O.B.

Short Takes

Early August is when SceneShop comes out of mothballs and puts on its annual production of short plays. This year’s collection takes work as its theme and is entitled J.O.B. Quite a variety of workplaces enter into the evenin...

My Neighbor Totoro is part of Miyazaki at the Modern, Aug. 2-23.

Beautiful Creatures

We’ve stated before in these pages that we don’t believe that Hayao Miyazaki is actually retired. Nevertheless, it’s never a bad time to revisit his weird, gorgeous animated films. The Modern now gives you and your kids t...

Ricky Ian Gordon inaugurates TCU’s Festival of American Song.

Bright Eyed Joy

One of America’s best composers for the stage, Ricky Ian Gordon is a musician who has followed Leonard Bernstein’s lead in blurring the distinctions between Broadway and opera, writing music for the concert hall in a style ...

Waad Mohammed eyes a green bike and freedom in Wadjda.

Girl on a Bike

When Wadjda hit American theaters last year, everyone said, “Oh! Look at that!” That’s because it wasn’t just a film from Saudi Arabia, a country where no film had ever been entirely shot before, but also because it was...

Scott Zenreich (without bandage) tries out his primitive plastic surgery techniques on Brandon Murphy, Alexandra Lawrence, and John Forkner in Amphibian Productions’ The Nosemaker’s Apprentice.

The Rhinoplaster’s Tale

A man is asked by his daughter why he’s an unlicensed plastic surgeon, so he spins a fantastic fable about how his profession started with one enterprising young man in the Middle Ages who sought to confer happiness on lords ...

The Beatles run free in A Hard Day’s Night.

Workin’ Like a Dog

While our nation celebrates the anniversary of its independence, our former colonial oppressors are marking another anniversary. This weekend is the 50th anniversary of the release of A Hard Day’s Night, the greatest rock ’...