Sky Ferreira was an Enjoyable Train Wreck at Fun Fun Fun Fest Last Night

Categories: Last Night

Blake Ward
Sky Ferreira was undeterred by a host of problems at The Belmont in Austin on Sunday

Fun Fun Fun Fest
With Sky Ferreira
The Belmont, Austin
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sometimes being bad at something isn't the worst thing in the world. Take Sky Ferreira's late-night performance at The Belmont in Austin on Sunday, which helped round off the three-day music celebration that was Fun Fun Fun Fest. To be frank, it wasn't good. In fact, it was pretty bad. And yet, for some reason, it was hard not to like it -- or, at the least, to still like Ferreira. Music is funny that way sometimes.

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For a brief while on Sunday afternoon, it looked like Ferreira wouldn't even be playing. The Angeleno singer had originally been scheduled to play at 6 p.m. on the Blue Stage (the festival's largest stage of the four), but around 3 p.m. it was announced that she had canceled and that Sophie would be taking her place. Within minutes, though, the awesome folks at Fun Fun Fun had announced she would be playing after all, just a late-night show at the nearby Belmont in downtown.

The new setting -- a small courtyard stage outside of the bar -- was probably better anyway. Right from the get-go there were problems. Ferreira and her four band mates kicked things off with one of her biggest hits, "24 Hours," and they made such a hash of it that they decided to play it a second time. It was not a good omen.

The problem, it would seem, was the backing track. Ferreira simply couldn't keep track of it. As the song hit its coda, she either forgot the words or lost her place in the song, a problem that she might have been able to cover for except that the backing track kept going, completely out of synch. To her credit, Ferreira laughed it off and quickly announced she would make up for it by playing the song again.

And so they did. But there were still problems. Namely, the backing track was overpoweringly loud, which meant both she and her band were drowned out. Then, at the end, she got lost again, continuing to sing when the alarm bells went off that were supposed to signal that the had song ended. Her drummer dutifully kept playing as well, which increased the mess but at least didn't leave her hanging. Oops again.

So yeah, that was how much of the show went. But damned if Ferreira didn't still sing her ass off. Dressed in an oversized Mickey Mouse T-shirt and parka (sorry, Sky, but it wasn't that cold out last night), she spent half the 45-minute set hunched over, reaching deep to hit and hold each note. In between, she would walk up to the edge of the stage and grab the hands of the adoring fans up front, whose enthusiasm never seemed to waver even with all the issues.

The problems weren't all technical though. Ferreira may have given her all to the singing, but the vocals, er, left something to be desired. Clearly the smoothness of in-studio production is her best friend. She frequently proved to be off-key, and while the backing track smoothed things out at times, it somehow sounded better when the track disappeared and Ferreira was left to her own devices. It didn't help that the backing band, drummer aside, weren't particularly good; there were times where it was hard to tell if their instruments were even plugged in.


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