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Police Watchdog Investigates Taser Death in Wales

Britain's police watchdog said Thursday it was investigating the death of a man who was Tasered as officers arrested him for attacking a woman at a hotel in south Wales. The woman also died of unspecified injuries during the incident overnight at the Sirhowy Arms Hotel in Blackwood and a murder investigation is underway, police said. 6 Nov 2014, 8:34 AM PDT

Cameron: I Want To See Asian Prime Minister In My Lifetime

David Cameron has told an audience at an award ceremony he wants to see an Asian Prime Minister within his lifetime. The GG2 Leadership Awards recognise contributions by the Asian community to British life, and this year's top award went to the Culture Secretary, Sajid Javid. 6 Nov 2014, 8:16 AM PDT

Forbes Declares Putin World's Most Power Person

Russian president Vladimir Putin in the most powerful man in the world, according to Forbes magazine. In news that will come as a blow to Barack Obama, the US president was beaten into second place by the Russian leader, with editors describing Putin as the "undisputed, unpredictable and unaccountable head of an energy-rich, nuclear-tipped state." 6 Nov 2014, 6:31 AM PDT

War Hero Calls for Tower of London Poppy Installation to Stay Longer

The campaign for the poignant installation of ceramic poppies to remain at the Tower of London after Armistice Day has received new support. "Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red" by ceramic artist Paul Cummins has seen around four million visotors to the Tower of London to watch the poppies gradually fill up the dry moat. 6 Nov 2014, 5:50 AM PDT

Cameron Refuses To Rule Out UKIP Deal

David Cameron has refused to rule out a pact with UKIP after the next election. When the Prime Minister was asked by BBC Radio Kent if he would consider a minority administration supported by Farage's party he said he would 'do the right thing for Britain'. 6 Nov 2014, 5:27 AM PDT

Britain Must Lance EU Membership 'Boil': Commissioner

Britain's new European Commissioner sought to calm tensions between London and the EU Thursday, saying the question of its membership was "a boil that needs to be lanced". Jonathan Hill's comments came after the fault lines between Britain and the EU were exposed by new European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker claiming Wednesday that Prime Minister David Cameron had a "problem" with other leaders. 6 Nov 2014, 4:05 AM PDT

I'm Glad My Mum Drank While Pregnant... I Might Not Be Here Otherwise

A landmark legal ruling in the UK threatens to criminalise mums-to-be for drinking while pregnant. And although the case that sparked this judgment is undoubtedly horrific, I'm just as worried about the law of unintended consequences... not least because drinking was the only thing that got my mother through her pregnancy. 6 Nov 2014, 3:53 AM PDT

Let The Masked March Be A Living Monument To The Left's Failure

Last night around a thousand masked anarchists tried their very best to take over Central London and start a revolution. They'd bought their V for Vendetta masks in advance from the local toy shop, and got ready to do battle with the police, for a few hours, until last orders at the pub. 6 Nov 2014, 3:48 AM PDT

Putin Cannot Avoid Me: Australia PM

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Wednesday warned Vladimir Putin he will not be able to avoid a "conversation" over the loss of Australian lives in the downing of Flight MH17 over Ukraine. 6 Nov 2014, 2:41 AM PDT

Russia's Putin, EU's Barroso Burnt on British Bonfires

Russian President Vladimir Putin in nothing but green underwear and European leader Jose Manuel Barroso are among those being paraded and burned during traditional British bonfire celebrations this week. 6 Nov 2014, 2:38 AM PDT

Farrage and Cameron Appear in Court Charged with Theft

A couple named Farrage and Cameron have appeared in court charged with several thefts from Derriford Hospital, the Plymouth Herald reports. The pair in their twenties have been charged with three counts of theft from ‘staff only’ areas in the hospital. 5 Nov 2014

Italy Under Fire over Roma 'Discrimination'

A human rights organisation has written to the European Commission to raise concerns about the behaviour of the Italian government towards the Roma community. Roma rights organisation July 21 has said that the European Commission have written to the Italian government warning that the EU may start ‘infringement procedures’ over its treatment of the Roma people. 5 Nov 2014

Libyan Soldiers Claim Asylum After Training Mission Sex Attacks

Five Libyan soldiers have claimed asylum in the UK to avoid being thrown out of the country after their visit was cut short because their colleagues were accused of multiple sex attacks. The cadets were amongst a group of 300 being trained at the British taxpayers expense in Bassingbourn Barracks in Cambridgeshire. 5 Nov 2014

Climate Hysteria of the Day: NASA Claims Endangered Species Loss Threatens Operations

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (more commonly known as NASA) has issued a Climate Risk Management Plan, warning that climate change may compromise their ability to launch satellites and gather evidence on climate change. But climate change blog site Watts Up With That points out that the biggest disaster NASA has suffered to date – the Challenger space shuttle explosion – was caused by freezing weather. 5 Nov 2014

Beyond Parody: How Feminists Are Redefining 'Hello' As Sexual Assault

The latest video to have caught the attention of the ranks of the constantly offended is one in which a young woman is filmed walking through areas of Manhattan. The video, filmed over a ten hour period includes various examples of men saying things ranging from "Hey, how you doin'?" to "Have a nice evening, darling". At the end of the video we are told that if we want to help those who have been affected, we should donate to "Hollaback!" 5 Nov 2014

Here's Why I'll Be Wearing a Native American Headdress Next Halloween

You've probably, at some time in your life, considered showing up to a fancy dress party as a Red Indian--or, as we're obliged to call them these days, a "Native American." You probably didn't then consider the delicate racial politics of your costume choice, innocently believing that dressing up was the sort of perfectly normal, morally neutral thing you do on, say, Halloween. 5 Nov 2014

Rape and Mayhem: How the People of Cambridge Are Paying a Bitter Price for Cameron's Hopeless Intervention in Libya

According to some interpretations of the Koran, homosexuality is second only to murder and raping a man is actually worse than killing him. So I don't much fancy Britain's chances of deporting Moktar Ali Saad Mahmoud (33) and Ibrahim Abogutila (22), the two Libyan soldiers who have been charged with the rape of a man in a Cambridge park. They need only point out that if they are sent back to the Islamist-run basket case that is post-Gaddafi Libya, their "right to life" under European human rights law will almost certainly be jeopardised by one of two traditional Islamic punishments: being chucked off a high rock or being buried under a wall. (Or maybe, if they're lucky, just hanged from a crane, shot or beheaded). 5 Nov 2014

UN Ebola Chief: Virus is 'Spreading Rapidly'

The UN 'Ebola Envoy' has spoken out about the present situation in West Africa and has warned “the outbreak is continuing to expand rapidly”, and without further international support of personnel and equipment the virus is not going to be contained any time soon. 5 Nov 2014

Immigration Has Cost Britain £150 Billion, EU-Sponsored Report Finds

Immigration from outside the European Economic Area (EEC) cost the UK economy £118bn between 1995 and 2011, researchers from University College, London have found. The EU-sponsored report also found that migration from EEC countries brought net economic benefit in just seven of the 17 years studied, yet the authors have chosen to stress the benefits of European migration as their main finding. 5 Nov 2014

EU Accounts Fail Audit for 19th Year in a Row

The Court of Auditors' report on the EU's accounts for 2013 has been published this morning and provides further bad news for Brussels. According to The Telegraph, £5.5 billion of the EU budget last year was misspent because of controls on spending that were deemed to be only “partially effective” by experts. This will rub salt into the wounds of British tax payers who have been told by the European Commission that they need to cough up an additional £1.7bn in membership fees. 5 Nov 2014

Australia Steps Up Ebola Response

Australia stepped up its response to the Ebola crisis Wednesday in announcing Aus$20 million (US$17 million) to help staff a 100-bed British-built treatment centre in Sierra Leone. 5 Nov 2014

Fear Stalks Hong Kong Sex Workers after Grisly Murders

Even on a weekday night, the bars of Hong Kong's Wanchai red-light district are teeming -- stern-looking "mama-sans" supervise young women in miniskirts enticing punters with calls of "Hey handsome" and "Let's party". 5 Nov 2014

It's Time to Consign the BBC to the Dustbin of History

On the latest edition of BBC Radio 4’s The News Quiz the resident comedians were in vociferous form, homing in on David Cameron’s failure to join Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg in sporting a T-shirt bearing the legend: “This is what a feminist looks like”. The idea of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom appearing in such a garment was ludicrous, but these un-comical comics pilloried Dave for not dressing like a cretin. 5 Nov 2014

IPCC Climate Alarmism Report Pays Tribute to 'Rude, Intolerant' Climate Crusader

A "a rude, intolerant, highly politicized climate crusader" who was a "dangerous enemy of free speech" has been honoured by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its latest report. Its synthesis report, which is a climactic summary of a number of documents released by the Panel over the course of the year, is dedicated to "the memory of Stephen H Schneider, 1945 – 2010". 4 Nov 2014

EU Cuts Growth Forecasts as Big Economies Falter

The European Union cut its already low economic growth forecasts further on Tuesday, indicating the recovery will remain sluggish amid problems for the biggest economies, particularly France and Germany. 4 Nov 2014

Islamist Medical Student Reports Pro-Israel, Anti-ISIS Doctor to General Medical Council for 'Islamophobia'

A London doctor is being investigated by the General Medical Council (GMC) for alleged Islamophobia after posting criticism of ISIS and support for Israel on his private Facebook page. He was reported to the council by Faisel Alam, who described himself on the complaint form as a “concerned member of the public” but in reality has links to both Islamic and leftist organisations, as well as the Council itself. 4 Nov 2014

Thousands Break Ebola Quarantine to Find Food

A group of aid agencies says that thousands of people in Sierra Leone are being forced to violate Ebola quarantines to find food because deliveries are not reaching them. 4 Nov 2014

Iranians Mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover

Thousands of Iranians chanted "Down with America" at a major anti-U.S. rally on Tuesday marking the anniversary of the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, just days ahead of a key meeting between the two nations' top diplomats over Iran's controversial nuclear program. 4 Nov 2014

Britain Ends Libyan Army Training after Sex Assaults

Britain's Ministry of Defence (MoD) said Tuesday it was cutting short a training programme for Libyan troops after reported sexual assaults allegedly involving five of the servicemen. Some 300 members of the troubled north African country's armed forces have been based at the Bassingbourn Barracks in Cambridgeshire, since July. 4 Nov 2014

Manchester Mum Held in Tunisian Terror Mix Up

Package holidays have their perils for all: long transfers on cramped coaches with other people’s screaming kids, ‘cattle class’ charter flights and the holiday rep who needs to hit their sales targets for pricey trips. But for Sally Jones and her family their holiday turned traumatic when they were held for nine hours by armed border guards in Tunisia. 4 Nov 2014

Liberal Democrat Minister Resigns after Drug Report Binned

Liberal Democrat Home Office minister Norman Baker has resigned just days after his report advocating the legalisation of drugs was discarded without any consideration by Theresa May. The Home Secretary is believed to have been furious about the report – despite its scientific basis – and within minutes instructed officials to state that its findings would be ignored. 4 Nov 2014

Minister Confirms Border Will Stay in Calais

Immigration and Security Minister James Brokenshire has quashed rumours that the French are looking to undo the Le Touquet Treaty which allows British border forces to operate in Calais. The City’s mayor Natacha Bouchart is among voices calling for the border with Britain and France to be moved back across the Channel, putting the town of Dover at the front line of the asylum problem. 4 Nov 2014

Let's Not Hold Back Private-Sector Space Flight with Mawkish Headlines

Our national governments' collective appetite for space travel has waned considerably in the past few decades: as citizens have grown restless and dissatisfied with their elected representatives and a series of terrorist attacks and financial crises have forced leaders to focus on domestic and geopolitical problems, the final frontier has been somewhat set aside.  4 Nov 2014

Jihadists Free 93 Syrian Kurdish Hostages

The Islamic State (IS) jihadist group has released at least 93 Syrian Kurds from the flashpoint town of Kobane who were kidnapped in February, a monitor said Tuesday. They were among more than 160 Kurds abducted as they travelled east through Syria en route for Iraqi Kurdistan, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. 4 Nov 2014

Old Navy Port Trying to Keep Muslim Youth From War

Royal Navy sailors used to swagger out of this great seaport at the zenith of the British Empire, manning the warships and trading vessels that made this nation rich and powerful. Today a handful of young men are again leaving to go to war — but this time they have sworn allegiance to foreign terrorists. 4 Nov 2014

'Racist' London University Threatens Jewish Leader At Pro-IDF Event

One of Britain's top universities has been accused of racism after a Jewish student leader was threatened at his own event by a member of staff. Sami Steinbock was left shaken and visibly upset after the King's College London Students' Union (KCLSU) staffer 'squared up to him and pointed at him' outside an event he organised for the Israeli Society. 4 Nov 2014

Frankie Boyle's Funniest Gag Yet: Not All Comedians are Lefties

Left-wing comedian Frankie Boyle has written an article in the left-wing Guardian explaining to his amen corner of left-wing readers that all his left-wing contemporaries who play left-wing comedy sets at left-wing comedy clubs, perform on left-wing TV panel shows and appear on left-wing comedy programmes on left wing BBC Radio 4 aren't in fact left-wing at all but hold a broad array of political opinions. 4 Nov 2014

ITV Denies Killing Off Downton Abbey Dog over 'Isis' Name

Viewers of ITV’s hit drama Downton Abbey watched closely last night to find out the fate of one of the show’s most popular characters. The popular blonde was allowed to wander in and out of patients’ rooms when the Abbey was a convalescent home during the first world war, regardless of hygiene concerns, and the Estate Manager Tom was instructed to look after her ‘especially’ when Lord Grantham took a trip to America. 3 Nov 2014

Virgin Spaceship's Descent System Deployed Early

A space tourism rocket broke apart in flight over California's Mojave Desert after a device to slow the experimental spaceship's descent deployed too soon, federal investigators said. 3 Nov 2014

Cameron Plans 'German Friendly' EU Reforms To Save British Membership

David Cameron is considering cutting benefits for EU migrants rather than curbing immigration altogether in an effort to appease Germany. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel is believed to have told the Prime Minister that if he takes steps to curb EU migration she will withdraw support for Britain's membership of the EU. 3 Nov 2014

MPs to Consider Ban on Gender-Specific Abortions

The British parliament is set to debate banning abortions performed purely on the grounds of the baby's gender, as a cross-party group of MPs is pushing for Britain's abortion laws to be clarified over whether doctors can be prosecuted for the practice. 3 Nov 2014

100 Years after WWI, Poppy Lives on as Symbol

William Sellick pinched the tiny scarlet petals with deft ease, turning them into paper poppies and pressing them into a wreath. The flowers are a potent symbol of remembrance and patriotism that sprang up in the aftermath of World War I to honor the war dead and raise funds for survivors. 3 Nov 2014

IPCC: Save the Planet From Climate Catastrophe by Burning More Trees

The emperor was proudly parading his clothes this weekend, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) met in Copenhagen to release its new report into climate catastrophe. In line with previous reports, the latest offering has again gone one step further, predicting “severe, pervasive and irreversible” damage unless emissions fall below zero within this century. 3 Nov 2014

Teenager Sentenced to 20 Years for Killing Teacher

A 16-year-old student has been sentenced to a minimum of 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to murdering his teacher in Leeds, UK. The teenager, who has been named as Will Cornick, killed his Spanish teacher, Ann Maguire, at Corpus Christi Catholic College in April. She had been due to retire after working at the school for more than 40 years. 3 Nov 2014

Bercow Accused Of Covering Up Expenses Abuse

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow has come under fire for allowing the destruction of documents that could prove MPs were guilty of wrongfully claiming expenses. The Speaker allowed documents to be destroyed, making it impossible for the independent Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards to investigate allegations. 3 Nov 2014

Manchester To Get It's Own 'Mayor', Public Will Not Get A Say

Greater Manchester is to get its own Mayor with a wide-range of powers over crime, transport and planning, the Chancellor has announced. The creation of the position is the latest attempt to give devolution to the North, following the overwhelming defeat of plans to create a North-East regional assembly in 2004. 3 Nov 2014


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