Immigration stalemate: McCaul calls White House invitation a “trap”

Reps. Sam Johnson, R-Plano, and Michael McCaul, R-Austin, on their way to the House Chamber for a vote. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON — It’s a trap!

That’s what Rep. Michael McCaul saw in an invitation to meet with President Barack Obama to discuss immigration reform.

“I was invited to the White House yesterday and I refused to meet with the president because I saw it as a political trap,” the Austin Republican told Laura Ingraham on her radio show Wednesday.

As chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, McCaul authored a border security bill that House Democrats have incorporated into their immigration package. Democrats tout their bill as bipartisan, often mentioning McCaul and his bill.

McCaul himself rejects the Democratic plan. Like most Republicans, he prefers to address the many facets of immigration policy piece by piece, shunning a comprehensive” approach that simultaneously beefs up security and enforcement while addressing the legal status of 11 million people in the country illegally.

“I am not pushing for immigration reform. I’ve been against amnesty my entire career,” McCaul said. “I’m simply interested in getting the security piece done.”\

He said he’s spoke directly with Speaker John Boehner and expressed his opposition to opening talks with the Senate, which approved a “comprehensive” bill earlier this year.

When Ingraham asked McCaul about two House Republicans who support comprehensive reform — Florida’s Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and California’s Rep. Jeff Denham — McCaul pointed to political factors.

“Their districts weigh more heavily Hispanic and they’re playing to their districts,” he said.

In Ros-Lehtinen’s district, about 73 percent of voting-age residents are Hispanic. In Denham’s district, the figure is 40 percent. By comparison, less than one in four adults in McCaul’s district are Hispanic, insulating him from such pressures.



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