News Release

For immediate release

PIPSC Commits to Greater Political Engagement in Next Federal Election

Ottawa , November 7, 2014 – In a clear departure from its traditional strategy of remaining at arm’s length from federal elections, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), the union representing most of the federal government’s scientists and other professionals, has adopted a position that will allow it to engage in more political activity in the run-up to, and during, the next federal election.

“Extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions,” said PIPSC President Debi Daviau. “This government is driving our members down the path to job action. It has launched an unprecedented assault on unions, and other democratically elected organizations in this country. It has cut thousands of federal public service jobs, programs and services. It has targeted, through bills such as C-377, C-525 and last year’s C-4, the very existence of unions and collective bargaining.”

“This government has forced non-partisan organizations such as ours to make a very difficult choice: to remain silent or to speak out. We have chosen to speak out,” added Daviau.

Delegates from across Canada attending the Institute’s 95th Annual General Meeting in Ottawa agreed to:

  • “take all necessary action to ensure that Canadians are aware of what is at stake in federal public service collective bargaining and in the upcoming federal election in 2015”,
  • “energetically defend and promote federal public services and expose the damage this Conservative government has done to these in the run-up to and during the next federal election campaign”, and
  • “undertake all necessary planning, training and preparation to ensure that our membership is ready for job action.”

“Canadians deserve to know the damage this government is inflicting – unnecessarily and often underhandedly – to their services, programs and even to their democracy,” concluded Daviau.

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada represents some 55,000 professionals across Canada’s public sector.


For further information: Pierre Villon (613) 228-6310 extension 2228 or (613) 794-9369 (cell)

Publish Date: 07-NOV-2014 03:34 PM
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