Perry: More American Energy to Counter Russian Aggression

Texas Governor Rick Perry waiting to be introduced at Energy & Climate Policy Summit in Houston

Texas Governor Rick Perry waiting to be introduced at Energy & Climate Policy Summit in Houston

Governor Rick Perry says the United States can keep Russia in check by increasing the production of oil and gas here at home.Perry spoke last night in Houston at a conference on energy and climate policy, sponsored by the conservative think tank the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

“The reliance on oil has made us more dependent than we should have been on sources that are hostile to this country, ” Perry said.

But now, oil and gas production here has surged with the boom in the drilling technique called fracking. Perry said domestic production could be expanded even more, which he said, would give the U.S. added leverage in dealing with Russia. Russia has its own vast supplies of natural gas it sells to Europe.

“Energy is a weapon in the hands of aggressors. So I say if energy is going to be used as a weapon, America should have the largest arsenal,” said Perry.

To do that, Perry — who ran for president and might do so again — said a national energy policy more friendly to the industry was needed at the top.

“We only need a president with leadership to blaze a new trail.”

But Perry made no mention of another way to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, such as alternatives like wind. Texas leads the nation in using wind to make electricity. Adrian Shelley, Executive Director of the community environmental group Air Alliance Houston, listened to Perry’s speech.

“Anybody who’s talking about the energy economy of the 21st century and can’t get beyond increased production from hydraulic fracturing just isn’t looking forward enough,” said Shelley.


  • RickCaird

    Sounds like NPR. Perry shows success and the left mutters; “What about our ideas that Germany has shown not to work”. Hey, Shelley, how much energy does wind actually contribute to the mix? Shelley seems to have omitted that.

  • MichaelKennedy

    ““Anybody who’s talking about the energy economy of the 21st century and can’t get beyond increased production from hydraulic fracturing just isn’t looking forward enough,” said Shelley.”

    Yes, they should be talking about nuclear power and the left will NEVER talk about that except to condemn it. When the greenies support nuclear power, I will believe they are serious.

    • Kevin

      If you want to get beyond hydrocarbons for electricity production, nukes and hydro-electric are the most feasible alternatives.

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