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Federal Contractors Go On Strike For Better Wages, Collective Bargaining

Hundreds of workers want President Obama to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors to $15 an hour.
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Prosecutors In Case Of Rabbi Barry Freundel Look For More Victims

Assistant U.S. Attorney Amy Zubrensky said prosecutors need more time to find other possible victims of the voyeurism allegedly perpetrated by Rabbi Freundel.
WAMU 88.5

Bowser Wants Tweaks To School Boundary Changes, But Doesn't Offer Specifics

With just over a month until D.C.'s school lottery opens to parents, Mayor-elect Muriel Bowser says she wants to tweak a plan that will alter the city's school boundaries and feeder patterns — but it remains unclear how much she can change.
WAMU 88.5

D.C. Has Lowest Rate Of Uninsured Hispanic Children, Report Says

A new report from Georgetown University and the National Council of La Raza finds that D.C. has a lower rate of uninsured Hispanic Children than all 50 states.


The Color Of Politics: How Did Red And Blue States Come To Be?

The United States split into red states and blue as we know them just a few presidential elections ago. Some dislike the broad brush.

Obama Plans To Use Executive Action To Reshape Immigration

Obama has said he will take executive action on immigration by the end of the year; now, as NPR's Tamara Keith tells Audie Cornish, there are reports he could act as soon as the end of next week.
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Virginia Republican David Brat Gets Head Start On Fellow Congressional Freshmen

Economics professor David Brat can officially call himself a congressman, thanks in part to former House Speaker Eric Cantor, who gave him a leg up on fellow freshmen.

WAMU 88.5

No Policy Proposals Expected On Larry Hogan's Maryland 'Thank You' Tour

Former Democratic State Sen. Robert Neall will oversee budget and financial issues for Hogan's transition team, but Maryland's governor-elect still isn't talking about his plans for the Purple Line or other big issues.
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Art Beat With Lauren Landau, Nov. 13

A local dance company performs in Northern Virginia this weekend and a famous Shakespeare play in on stage this month.

WAMU 88.5

Phillips Collection Seeks Donations To Fund 'Migration Series' Project

D.C.'s Phillips Collection has turned to crowdfunding to help pay for a digital project tied to artist Jacob Lawrence's landmark "Migration Series."
WAMU 88.5

Potomac River Shows Improvement In Report, But Threats Linger

The health of the Potomac River has made great strides in the last several decades, according to a new report, but the progress is threatened by continued development which could strain the ecosystem.

WAMU 88.5

Cleaning Up Conowingo Dam Might Not Improve Chesapeake Water Quality, Report Says

A new report says that the costly process of removing sediment from the dam might not help the Chesapeake Bay that much.