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Could rain dampen support for Prop 6?

October 21, 2013 | Updated: October 22, 2013 9:11am

October 21, 2013 | Updated: October 22, 2013 9:11am

On the first day of early voting, it rained in parts of Harris County. Again.

Suddenly, Nature is posing a formidable challenge to Proposition 6, which would allow drought-prone Texas to dip into its savings account to help finance new reservoirs, pipelines and other water-supply projects.

Supporters are worried that the recent rainfall - about 6 inches over the past month in Harris County - will dampen support for the ballot measure. The county will likely account for one-third of the votes statewide in the Nov. 5 election.

"We might not see the challenge now (of water shortages), but other parts of the state are really feeling it," said state Sen. Sylvia Garcia, a Houston Democrat. "We need to be good neighbors and vote for it."

Garcia was one of 10 state lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle who campaigned for the measure in Houston on Monday, the first day of early voting. They met with reporters outside a polling place, beneath a sky trellised by thin, gray clouds that hinted at the possibility of more rain.

Nearly two-thirds of Texas remains in the grip of a stubborn drought, as of Oct. 15, according to the most recent federal data. But there has been enough rain this month to end the drought for most of Harris County.

The weather change has put the proposition's backers in an odd position of rooting against rain (for now) while pushing a plan to avoid grave water shortages over the next 50 years.

The proposition would allow the transfer of money from the state's unencumbered rainy day fund into a revolving fund that would reduce borrowing costs for municipalities seeking to build water projects. State officials say a $2 billion capitalization could be leveraged into $30 billion over the next half-century.

The measure's list of endorsements includes farmers, home builders, beverage distributors, oil and gas companies, chemical makers and environmental groups. Nolan Ryan, the Hall of Fame pitcher, also is in favor of the measure, telling voters to "protect our water supply" in an television advertisement released Monday by the Water Texas PAC.

Despite the wide and varied list of supporters, there is concern that it might not be dry enough in Harris County to infuse potential voters with a heightened urgency. A low turnout could sway the outcome in the favor of opponents.

"It is one of the biggest problems we have," said state Rep. Dennis Bonnen, an Angleton Republican who supports the measure. "We turn on the tap, and the water is still there. But I have a great deal of confidence that the voters know this is a long-term issue. It's a significant need."

Critics say the measure, if approved, would create a slush fund for water projects and encourage local governments to fall deeper into debt. They include libertarians, property rights activists, tea party supporters and rural residents worried about losing access to water.

To defeat the measure, they are relying on the Internet and feed stores in rural Texas to draw like-minded voters to the polls, said Linda Curtis, executive director of Independent Texans, a Bastrop-based group.

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