Former Army 1st Lt. Trista Matascatillo met her husband, former Army 1st Sgt. Hector Matascastillo, five years after she was sexually assaulted during officer training in the Navy. StoryCorps hide caption

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Low-dose pot-infused cookies, called the Rookie Cookie, sit on the packaging table Sept. 26 at The Growing Kitchen in Boulder, Colo. The state legalized recreational pot use last year. Brennan Linsley/AP hide caption

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Venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, with Elise Gould, argues that a robust economy relies on large numbers of innovators and affluent consumers — and that too much inequality prevents too many Americans from joining those groups. Samuel LaHoz/Intelligence Squared U.S. hide caption

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Shirley Parrello's son, Brian, died in Iraq almost ten years ago. Sgt. Kevin Powell was with him that day, and he says he can still picture Brian Parello in the moments after the IED exploded. Storycorps hide caption

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