Jack Perkins' Slow Bone Will Serve a Free Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving

Categories: Food News

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Catherine Downes
The Slow Bone's Jack Perkins.
Jack Perkins may have a reputation as the occasionally confrontational curmudgeon of the Dallas food scene, but there's no disputing that the owner of The Slow Bone and Maple & Motor has a heart two sizes too big and yet-unclogged from all that red meat. Along with the many charity events that Perkins participates in, including this weekend's Meat Fight, he's also announced plans to serve a free Thanksgiving dinner to people who are in need of a place to spend the holiday.

Yesterday, Perkins announced that his much-lauded barbecue joint The Slow Bone would offer a traditional Thanksgiving meal to people who visit the restaurant on Thanksgiving Day. Though The Slow Bone notes that the idea is to provide dinner to families in financial need, all are welcome to enjoy what will likely be a delicious turkey or ham and all the usual sides and fixins.

The restaurant was quick to note that they wouldn't be serving their guests a "stripped down, budget style meal."

"We at The Slow Bone are committed to providing a safe, accepting environment, as well as the quality level of food for which we are known," a post on the restaurant's Facebook page read. "It will be a full meal with all the trimmings that we would be proud to serve to family, friends and paying customers."

In the comments on the post, Perkins also told Facebook fans that every member of his staff was committed to serving the meal together. "When I told my staff they were free to say no and not work, they all opted in," he writes. "We couldn't do it otherwise." Soon after the post went live, fans were lining up to volunteer and donate money for Perkins' efforts.

If you're interested in volunteering or attending The Slow Bone's Thanksgiving dinner, the restaurant will be serving food from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Perkins will likely post a call for volunteers and more details about the dinner in the coming days, and hinted that he may be taking donations for a yet-disclosed good cause. If you'd like to stay updated, you can follow the restaurant's posts on Facebook.


My Voice Nation Help

Rule 1)  Nobody came to hear your screaming children.

Rule 2)  No table poaching!


Depending on the weather, I may drop in here! That is, if I can get a seat! I expect a line to be stretching down the street.BTW, what's that street called these days, Irving Blvd. or Riverfront?

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Awesome move by Jack, and definitely by his staff too, to volunteer to come in.  There are still really good hearted people out there in this world filled with stories of shit


@ScottsMerkin People who bash Jack, have never really taken the time to know him as he really is. I'm proud to say, he's my friend. 

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