
Wanda Sykes

8:00 p.m. November 14
Majestic Theatre
1925 Elm St. Dallas, TX

Price: $49.50 to $59.50

What a Woman!

What a Woman!

By Jennifer Davis-Lamm

Wanda Sykes is a funny lady. Her particular brand of DGAF comedy is smart, irreverent and well-informed, and by the way, she’s pretty much the only working comedian today that can boast a tenure with the NSA. That’s right—while many of her counterparts only have vocations in douchebaggery and idiocy (what’s up Artie Lang!) to fall back on, Ms. Sykes has a bonafide career with the super secret spy agency on her resume. Not that she’d ever need to go back to that; Sykes has weathered three decades of showbiz successes, including an Emmy and a slew of other nominations for her television and film. These days, she’s a mom, a GLBT activist, and an enduring entertainer who still packs ‘em in for her on-point comedy shows. Dallas gets its chance to see this multi-faceted entertainer during her performance at the Majestic Theater, 1925 Elm Street, at 8 p.m. Friday. Tickets are $49.50 to $59.50 at ticketmaster.com



Majestic Theatre

1925 Elm St. Dallas, TX