Rebekah DiMartino underwent 17 surgeries to her leg before deciding to have it amputated


A Katy woman who survived the Boston bombing had her leg amputated. Now, Rebekah DiMartino is at Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital recovering.

Doctors say the surgery went well. Her left leg was amputated below the knee. The key factor in all of it, doctors say, is her positive spirit.

"Courageous would be another appropriate term," said Dr. William McGarvey, with Memorial Hermann Katy.

DiMartino's story captured the heart of the country.

"I really thought that I was going to die, I thought that that was it for me," she said.

After she survived the Boston Marathon bombing, she told Ellen she wasn't sure she'd make it through that day.

"I could not see my leg, my bone was laying next to me on the sidewalk," said DiMartino.

Now it's that leg she's saying goodbye to. On a public Facebook page she set up to encourage others, she wrote a post about letting go of the limb saying, "I feel like you are holding me back from really reaching my full potential... go get yourself one last pedicure on me and enjoy it because tomorrow...I will be cutting you out of my life for good."

Thousands of supports have liked her photos and strangers are wishing her well from around the world. At the hospital, doctors say it makes all the difference.

"She has a tremendous amount of motivation not only to do well and get back to her old life but also to take on a new more active lifestyle," said McGarvey.

Standing by her side, her husband Pete and countless others. DiMartino wrote on Facebook, "I will never be able to express how thankful I am to have so many angels lifting me up around the world." The focus now, is on recovery.

"My hope is that in the next several days, she will notice a significant reduction in the amount of pain she was having compared to what she had prior to surgery," said McGarvey.

Doctors say her recovery could take anywhere from 6-12 weeks. Eventually, she will be fitted for a prosthetic so she can walk again.

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