Category: Politics/Policy

Natural gas exports bill gets feds’ attention

Legislation to accelerate natural gas exports could win the Obama administration’s endorsement — with some changes.  More »

Boulder County drilling moratorium up for vote

The moratorium is set to end on Jan. 1, 2015 and commissioners are meeting Thursday to decide whether to continue it or change it.  More »

Residents’ lawsuit targets Illinois fracking rules

Among the allegations is that Illinois’ natural resources regulator didn’t consider scientific studies in its first rules notice, denying the public a chance to address the specific information the agency relied upon to draft the rules.  More »

New Mexico county passes strict drilling rules as state judge considers wider ban

The new ordinance supersedes a moratorium on oil and gas development that had been in place since 2010.  More »

Landrieu leading charge for Keystone pipeline vote

Echoing Landrieu’s plea were moderate Democrats from Republican states, who argued for the project that would carry oil from Canada south to the Gulf Coast.  More »

Feds declare Gunnison Sage-Grouse ‘threatened’

The Obama administration on Wednesday formally declared the Gunnison Sage-Grouse a “threatened” species, in effect ruling that years of efforts to protect the showy bird and its Colorado habitat weren’t good enough to ensure its long-term survival.  More »

US-China climate deal aims to prod others to act

“This is, in my view, the most important bilateral climate announcement ever,” said David Sandalow, a former top environmental official at the White House and the Energy Department.  More »

Former NSA chief: Congress must pass cyber laws to protect energy, finance

More than half of the 200 or so cyber-attacks reported to the Department of Homeland Security’s industrial control systems emergency response team have targeted energy companies, and and economic espionage cases have more than doubled in the last 18 months.  More »

Former Russian finance minister tells Rosneft to keep hands off $44B from rainy day fund

For Rosneft, the timing of the economic sanctions against Russia couldn’t have been worse: the company has to repay almost $30 billion in loans by the end of the next year, debt racked up in the 2013 purchase of competitor TNK-BP.  More »

In Denton fracking ban, scenes from the campus campaign

In the post-campaign campaign, opponents of the Denton hydraulic fracturing ban say the results were tilted by college students who have no permanent stake in the city. Here are scenes from the electioneering on campus at the University of North Texas, taken by a student. .  More »

In Denton, a vote ends very little

The measure has already drawn two formidable legal challenges, one from the Texas General Land Office and the other from the Texas Oil & Gas Association.  More »

Feds to beef up oil & gas data amid drilling surge

The federal government will soon begin collecting more information about the amount of oil and gas pouring out of wells across the United States, with the data likely to drive policy debates in the nation’s capital.  More »
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