
Denton Voters Approve Proposal To Ban Fracking

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DENTON (CBSDFW.COM) - Voters in Denton have approved a proposal to ban fracking for oil and gas, making it the first city in Texas to do so.

“The industry has not played fairly… It’s David against Goliath,” said one Denton resident.

Opponents of the proposal said that the ban would hurt the economy. But many people who live near the wells have expressed concern about chemicals emitted by the controversial practice.

“My neighbors have passed away from cancer… two of my animals have cancer and passed away… some of us have made it and some of us haven’t,” said resident Gena Felker, who’s against fracking.

Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter said he was disappointed yet confident that the ban will be overturned.

Denton Mayor Chris Watts released the following statement in support of the voter’s decision.

“As I have stated numerous times, the democratic process is alive and well in Denton. Hydraulic fracturing, as determined by our citizens, will be prohibited in the Denton city limits. The City Council is committed to defending the ordinance and will exercise the legal remedies that are available to us should the ordinance be challenged. The City Council is committed to continuing the review of our gas well ordinance to ensure the utmost health, safety, and welfare of our residents, and we will continue to work with industry representatives to ensure full compliance with our gas well drilling ordinance.”

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