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Will humans live to 125 years old in the future? Donn Rubin guests on Domain Tech Report

Nov 13, 2014, 10:33am CST Updated: Nov 13, 2014, 10:35am CST

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Donn Rubin, president and CEO of BioSTL

Reporter- St. Louis Business Journal
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The St. Louis Business Journal is showing its readers snippets of the weekly Domain Tech Report, which is produced by Techli, a St. Louis-based startup that came to town after it received a $50,000 Arch Grant in 2012.

The Domain Tech Report is hosted by entrepreneur Ed Domain, who interviews a variety of St. Louis-based startup founders, investors or others who play a role in the innovation community.

This week, Domain's guest is Donn Rubin, president of BioSTL, the St. Louis organization cultivating medical and plant bioscience companies that recently launched a new initiative aimed at bringing early-stage Israeli companies to St. Louis.

BioSTL has an annual budget of about $7 million, due in large part to a $30 million commitment over five years from Washington University, BJC HealthCare and others to support entrepreneurs in bioscience. A majority of that money flows to the BioGenerator, a subsidiary of BioSTL, for company investment.

For an abbreviated version of the interview, click on the video on the right. To see Domain's full interview with Rubin, visit Techli.com. http://techli.com/?p=50723

In the meantime, you can read about BioSTL in previous coverage from the St. Louis Business Journal:

BioSTL working to lure Israeli startups to St. Louis

Seed science: Germany trip clinched KWS deal at BRDG

BioSTL to win slice of $30 million grant to help entrepreneurs

Tech, Venture Capital, Startups, Real Estate


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