Eagle Ford Shale

Eagle Ford Shale
Eagle Ford Overview: The Eagle Ford Shale, located in Southern Texas, may only have four years of production history, but it has quickly become one of the hottest resource plays in North America. Read More

Eagle Ford Counties: TX: Atascosa, Bee, DeWitt, Dimmit, Fayette Read More

Eagle Ford Pipelines (natural gas): Eagle Ford Crossover, Energy Transfer, Enterprise Products, Gulf South, HPL, KM Tejas, KM Texas, NGPL, Tennessee, Texas Eastern, Transco Read More

Eagle Ford Net Acreage Table: A table detailing the net acreage owned by various companies in the Eagle Ford shale. View Table


U.S. Crude Production Next Year to Be Highest Since 1972, EIA Says

Total U.S. crude oil production averaged an estimated 8.9 million b/d in October, and monthly average production is forecast to surpass 9.0 million b/d in December and 9.4 million b/d in 2015, which would be the highest annual average crude oil production since 1972, according to the Energy Information Administration. Read More

Encana Hits 2017 Targets in 3Q, Cushioned for Volatile Prices, Says CEO

Encana Corp.'s strategic decision last year to balance its weighty natural gas portfolio with more liquids-rich assets propelled profits... Read More

Halcon Cuts Capex, Rig Count -- But Sees 2015 Output Rising 15-20%

Onshore independent Halcon Resources Corp. is slashing its capital budget and will drop almost half of its rigs in 2015, but production year/year still will jump by 15-20%, CEO Floyd Wilson said Tuesday. Read More

Domestic NatGas, Oil Production to End 2014 on Steady Upswing, EIA Says

Production of natural gas and oil from the seven most prolific U.S. shale and tight oil regions will continue to increase through the end of the year... Read More

EVEP to Sell Joint Venture Acreage In Ohio's Utica Shale

EV Energy Partners LP (EVEP) said Monday that it will begin marketing both its operated and non-operated joint venture (JV) acreage in Ohio's Utica Shale next year, where the company believes its efforts with Chesapeake Energy Corp. and Total E&P USA have made clear the asset's value for a successful sale. Read More

Panhandle Proved Reserves Up 36%, Thanks to Eagle Ford

Panhandle Oil & Gas Inc. said its total proved reserves had increased 36% at the end of the third quarter, thanks in part to its acquisition of producing properties and drilling locations in the Eagle Ford Shale last June. Read More

Texas Oilfields Push Devon Production Forecast 3% Higher

Devon Energy Corp. expects to achieve 14% more production this year than it did in 2013, a 3% higher forecast from a few months ago, after surpassing expectations from Texas oilfields during the third quarter. Read More

Marathon's U.S. Onshore Can Weather Price Downturn, Executives Say

Marathon Oil Corp.'s U.S. resource plays can hold their own in a low-price environment, and the company's U.S. drilling program is expected to proceed essentially unchanged from plan, executives said Tuesday. Read More

Enterprise Bakken-to-Cushing Project Facing Cheap Oil Headwinds

Lower prices for crude oil aren't doing any favors for Enterprise Products Partners LP's proposed crude pipeline from North Dakota to the Cushing, OK, hub, executives admitted Thursday. But U.S. producers have staying power even at lower oil prices because the country "...is in the middle of a production revolution," they said. Read More

ConocoPhillips Cutting Capex on Oil Prices, but 'Attractive' Returns in Eagle Ford, Bakken

ConocoPhillips, the largest independent in the United States, was the first on Thursday to announce plans to reduce capital spending to cope with the recent downturn in oil prices. Some drilling cutbacks will be made, but not within two of its best rate-of-return plays, the Eagle Ford and Bakken shales. Read More


Eagle Ford Shale Gallery

A gallery of all of the images related to the Eagle Ford shale.