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Dallas Morning News: Elect Greg Abbott, Pay The Ransom

by Published on
Vote for me or the little guy gets it, see?
Vote for me or the little guy gets it, see?

Over the last few weeks, the editorial boards of the state’s newspapers have been rolling out their endorsements. On Thursday night, the first major newspaper endorsement in the governor’s race dropped—The Dallas Morning News is backing Greg Abbott.

That’s not particularly surprising. Unlike other statewide races, both Abbott and Wendy Davis are relatively serious, thoughtful people, capable of approximating the kind of serious, thoughtful figure editorial boards like. Texas newspapers have turned heavily against more tarnished GOP figures like Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton, but Abbott’s not really one of them. There’s the added factor that newspapers may aspire to endorse candidates from both parties, and they frankly don’t have many Republican options who meet the low bar of being able to appear serious and thoughtful.

There are plenty of perfectly reasonable arguments in favor of Abbott, and the Morning News gives some of them. But one of their reasons for endorsing Abbott is fascinating. Here it is:

Where Davis would be likely to encounter ideological battles at every turn, Abbott has the best chance to inspire legislative progress.

Davis has fought valiantly. But for all her progressive promise, and alignment with this newspaper on many issues, Texas cannot afford to provoke the kind of partisan stalemate her victory would probably bring, much like the gridlock that has paralyzed Washington. As much as Texas needs to counterbalance its GOP hard-liners, we fear Davis would only invigorate them.

Elect Davis, and GOPers will be so mad they won’t cooperate on anything, just like what happened when Barack Obama took office. This is a really beautiful encapsulation of some of the most depressing features of American politics right now—a reminder that we do government primarily these days by hostage-taking, in contravention of the ostensible norms of representative government. It’s also an assertion that the hostage-takers should win, and a demonstration of why they will keep winning. It’s monumentally demoralizing. But applied to the Texas context, is it right?

What would a Gov. Davis look like? Well, she would probably have little influence over the Legislature. Assume Davis wins and so does Patrick—Davis would be able to get hardly any of her legislative priorities through. Patrick would be preparing to run against her in 2018, and his Senate would kill or mangle almost anything that bore her personal stamp. But Davis would have a veto which would prevent Patrick’s worst bills and initiatives from getting through.

But the Morning News endorsement anticipates something worse—that the conservative Legislature seizes the levers of state government and goes to war against Davis, refuses to budge on any issue, refuses to put together a budget, refuses to consider new and important legislation, until its demands are met and Davis effectively surrenders. In effect, if the people of the state elect Davis to lead them, conservatives in the Legislature—probably led by Patrick—will take Texas hostage.

So the Morning News’ instinct is to reward the hostage-taker, pay the ransom, and keep the state safely gripped by one-party rule. On the one hand, it feels like a pretty bleak misperception of how small-r republican government is supposed to work. It’s especially odd because the endorsement urges Abbott to be “a moderating influence” for his party—a bit like a liberal urging his radical-left friends to “work inside the system.”

It seems probable that Patrick will be the dominant figure of the 2015 legislative session, not Abbott. It would be very difficult to make the case that a Gov. Abbott will be better at containing Patrick than a Gov. Davis, with a veto stamp and a reason to oppose him openly. It seems like extraordinarily wishful thinking to hope Abbott will turn out to be the state’s version of a Rockefeller Republican. On Friday, the Houston Chronicle and the Austin American-Statesman issued strong endorsements for Davis, in part because of the belief that putting Davis in the governor’s mansion would provide a check on the state GOP’s worst impulses.

But on the other hand, the Morning News might just be conceding to reality. Certain features of the American system of government simply aren’t working as well as they used to. One fundamental cause of that is that the two parties have become ideologically purified—no longer is there much overlap between Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and they have little reason to work together. But the way that problem manifests itself most severely is within the Republican Party, and its willingness to throw gum in the system’s gears.

Consider Texas’ extraordinarily polarized politics. As the state inevitably moves toward a two-party system, it’s easy to anticipate Texas GOPers picking up the tactics of John Boehner and Ted Cruz. Patrick’s probable victory may be one sign that’s already happening.

That’s also a pretty big problem for Democrats. As long as the economy is going OK here—without a prolonged drop in oil prices, or the bursting of a regional real estate bubble—a lot of people will be a little frightened of the implications of a competitive two-party system. It’s not unlike the way a lot of people feel in a truly one-party system—be it the PRI in Mexico, Augusto Pinochet’s Chile during the 1988 plebiscite, or China today. Why mess with (relative) success? Why leave the devil you know for the devil you don’t?

In Texas that feeling is shared, apparently, by the editorial board of the state’s second-largest newspaper.

Christopher Hooks joined the Observer in 2014. Previously, he was a freelance journalist in Austin, where he grew up. His work has appeared in Politico Magazine, Slate, and Texas Monthly, among others. He graduated from The New School in 2012 with a bachelor's degree in history.

  • cresciteundo

    The irony here is that Davis was a reasonable and competent District 10 state Senator–who was re-elected in 2012. Her campaign should have highlighted the fact that when confronted with a moderate educated Republican challenger in conservative Tarrant county (i.e. Mark Shelton, M.D.–who was also a legislator-btw) the voters liked Davis enough to choose her-again. Why couldn’t she locate some of those satisfied voters for her statewide Ads? I don’t think that SHE ran a divisive campaign–as the DMN alleges– but she couldn’t avoid the silly loud divisive social and gun centered conservative (fringe?) element which has emerged and strengthened due to the impotence of the Natl. Democratic Party.Consider the fact that the DMN also endorsed Leticia Van der Pute for Lt Gov even though she has more liberal ideas than Davis regarding taxpayer spending on higher education, immigration, etc. It’s the candidate’s responsibility to define themselves. It really hasn’t been helpful that the Democrat Party via their NE snob Messengers (NYT, DNC Media, etc) treat Texas like a stepchild …

    • DavidD

      The Texas Democratic Party’s leadership is the problem.Too many rich people running it just like the GOP.People don’t vote because they don’t see either party as caring about them, just using them to get their vote and then forgetting about them.
      Only reason i vote the straight Democratic ticket is that the GOP has cut it’s mooring with reality with all the RWNJs who think they are living in the 19th century or have elevated greed above humanity.
      I’d love to have a real choice but the powers that be which own both parties are Oligarchs and we bullshit ourselves if we think we live in a free democratic society.

      • cresciteundo

        Well, I agree but I think that you are wrong about only one thing. The RRWNJs live in the seventeenth century like Cromwell and the Puritans in Hawthorne’s “Scarlet Letter”. They are too primitive for the 19th Century.

        • 1bimbo

          no we don’t.. we want responsible accountable transparent people with integrity and experience running our state.. not a bunch of ‘rockstars’ who fancy themselves with social issues

          • Sko Hayes

            Texas Republicans run on cronyism, there is no responsibility or accountability among these “leaders” today.
            That’s why Texas has more uninsured people than any other state, why it’s one of the most polluted states in the country, why there are so many uneducated poor people, because the state GOP elects rich leaders that take care of their own and screw the little people.

          • 1bimbo

            uneducated poor people? …take your elitist attitude to the north.. we may not all drive new cars and drink eff’n lattes everyday like hypocrite progressives but we work our @sses off, build solid communities and raise God-fearing children…

            and you call it ‘cronyism’, because dumbdemocrats are typically denied in this state and can’t get your grubby little hands on all the taxpayer money you want

          • a7xrocker1981

            Democrats run on cronyism as well. See Obama and Holder. Most polluted state, actually of the ten most polluted cities, only Dallas and Houston are in texas, and they are not number one, which is oh wait LA, CALIFORNISTAN. You know, your lib heaven. As for uneducated, not in the bottom ten for uneducated, that is WV, where the governor is a D Rat.

          • AJCoog

            The Texas public school system continues to rank among the lowest in the nation. If you don’t believe that, I would suggest you do a little research. But maybe you’re okay with being mediocre. What has Perry done about improving our public school system? Where is his stalwart leadership in making sure our students are competitive on a global market? I’m in my 50s, retuning to college. The kids coming in as freshmen are barely able to keep up with college-level work, while I — old enough to be their grandfather — breeze through it. I’m embarrassed for them. I routinely provide my own study guides to kids half my age and younger. Texas is not an island. We live in a global market now, and the children coming out of Texas High Schools are ill equipped to deal with it. Their writing skills are atrocious; their critical thinking skills even worse. And this guy has had 13 years and 3 terms to deal with it. And it’s only gotten worse. You call him a leader? That’s laughable.

          • Bandara Carlos

            Conservatives are confused by the truth; they are unable to
            see past the WOOL being pulled over their eyes. Neoconservatives are making a
            sucker’s play against their own best interest. She is still better than a
            personal lackey of the Koch Brothers and Corporate Billionaires. Like Abbott.

          • 1bimbo

            such horsesh*t.. the richest jack@ss party cronies are soros, steyer and buffett.. the hypocrisy of dumbdemocrats is exhausting

          • Bandara Carlos

            Where was your outrage when Republican GOV.Rick Perry, was indicted!
            I just thought you might like some facts! But of course, being a Republican, you’re immune to facts.

          • 1bimbo

            you mean like how delay was indicted or how they went after kaybailey hutchison? the facts are liberals try to manipulate the judicial system to attack conservatives

          • a7xrocker1981

            Indicted on bogus charges for doing something lawful just because a drunk DA would not be a big girl and not drive drunk and take responsibility for her action?

          • Bandara Carlos

            Obviously you don’t grasp the dynamics and the gravity of the situation. It’s not considered bogus when Republican judges and Independent DA and impartial Grand Jury, give the go-ahead because there’s enough evidence to call Rick Perry to trial. The public integrity unit has recused themselves from the entire process. of course in corrupt Texas Rick Perry get off..
            Rick Perry “I don’t know what penalty it deserves,” He does deserve to be
            held accountable. He clearly in our minds and apparently the minds of other
            Republican jurists looks like he broke the law. He needs to be held accountable
            for that.

          • AJCoog

            He was indicted by his own. Get it?

          • a7xrocker1981

            Abbott is certainly better than some big money Hollywood funded Soros and Steyer toy. Abbott’s donations came from Texans, Windy’s, from California celebs and rich New York libs.

          • AlwaysRealistic

            And from native Texans like me

          • Bandara Carlos

            Polly wants a cracker?

          • Charlie123

            So you voted for…Perry??????

          • 1bimbo

            of course i voted for perry! only insane people vote for dumbdemocrats?

          • Bandara Carlos

            Yes, we want responsible accountable transparent leaders
            with integrity and experience running our state. Not people like Abbott that
            owes his soul to corporate billionaire’s pocket books. His record is clear
            supported by his action for crony donors.

          • AJCoog

            As an example please. Abbot has campaigned, among his other bits of fantasy rhetoric on “securing the borders.” His predecessor has had 13 years and 3 terms to do exactly the same thing. Why has he not? Wait. Its because of the feds, right? Because its always a sure sign of “responsible, accountable, transparent leaders” to blame the federal government for one’s own failings. Perry has never once accepted ANY responsibility for his failings. He blames everyone around him. That is the polar opposite of integrity, for anyone who understands basic moral principles. Abbot, being his heir apparent will be no different. Among Texas political leaders, “accountability,” means nothing more than blaming someone else for your own shortcomings. Its the mantra adopted by every one of their devotes as well. Sad.

  • DavidD

    Let them get upset as they want.They can start early pushing their vibe for the next election.It’s a free country and they have that right as long as they stay within the law.
    If they want to show fight outside of that rule then hell ain’t but half full and let see if these tough talking idiots are better than the DPS.

  • Thomas Coleman

    Dallas Morning News Apotheosis.

    It’s (seemingly) always been a Republican-Bigot paper.

    It is a Republican-Bigot paper….

    It (seemingly) always will be a Republican-Bigot paper – until it becomes uneconomic and unfashionable for the utterly predictable humanoids and/or gangster institutions involved.

    That’s the problem with the Lone Star State. A hate group runs the place and has for a long time. That means those overcome with the desire to advance socio-economically will throw pearls before these swine or at least go along to get along so as not to rock boats or ruffle feathers. As my mother once told me when letting me know she’d just as soon have me dead as let her friends and neighbors know she had a gay son: “Your father has to work with and we have to live with these people.” And most of the rest will be afraid to call the greedy bigots and shallow swine (just take a look at so many of them) for what they really are. That might lose “business” and “friends,” cause nasty arguments at the country club and unpleasant, “disturbing” discussions at family get-togethers.

    Still a hate state, run by a hate group. As the late, great U.S. Senator Ralph Yarborough said: “Texas is the happy hunting ground of predatory wealth” – and, as per the Morning News “confession” here – as with so many other Texans – increasingly and ever more infamously falls “victim” to low rent political bigots, cheap gangsters and extortion artists.

    • 1bimbo

      just because of your inane race-baiting diatribe, i’m getting a DMN subscription

      • Bandara Carlos

        It’s always enlightening to hear from the Abbott’s Paid Bloggers!

        • 1bimbo

          my advice is a free public service.. for liberty

          • Bandara Carlos

            So with your connections how much in cash, gifts, Pac money,
            and advertising TV time did Abbott get not to investigate and not to prosecute
            from the Koch family? What’s the price,
            to sell out the citizens of Texas and West, Texas victims of the
            West, Tx. explosion?

          • 1bimbo

            is that supposed to be a riddle? or a limerick?

          • Bandara Carlos

            Okay let us try to straighten this out.
            Abbutt is a personal lackey of the Koch Brothers and Corporate Billionaires and would sell TEXAS out to Halliburton in a heartbeat.
            #1 bimbo Determine who is really controlling your party? But you already know, don’t you? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
            I think #1bimbo you are a good straight man, Sir. LOL

          • 1bimbo

            is this the new narrative of the jack@ss party? you may need to regroup

          • a7xrocker1981

            May I ask the same about Soros, Steyer, Zuckerberg and Gates?

          • SocraticGadfly

            A bimbo for “liberty.” Didn’t know Sarah Palin was commenting here. (How’s A.C. Green doing these days? Who is Trigg’s father?)

          • 1bimbo

            it just crushes you to have to interact with conservative women on these commenting threads i bet.. too bad! there are a ton of us in the lone star state

          • Bandara Carlos

            IF1bimbo is a woman then I am a Republican Right Wing, conservative. LOL

    • goldwater89

      YOU sound like the one who is full of hate.

  • 1bimbo

    the chron in the city of the HomoAdvocate mayor who demands pastors turn sermons over to government endorses davis. sounds about right.. and the statesman editorial board which gets stoned for breakfast endorses davis too.. not much of a stretch.. DMN is actually the only grownup in the room of MSMediaTexas.

    • Bandara Carlos

      HATE Funded by Conservative Solutions

      • 1bimbo

        your ‘hate’ schtick doesn’t work anymore.. looney lefties have used up all your tolerance points.. then again you live in victimland, so keep up the good work

    • Bandara Carlos

      . #1 bimbo you post much about gays you apparently possess a lot of
      knowledge. Reminds me of grandpa’s saying “It takes One to know One”. lol

      • 1bimbo

        why do looneyliberals think all men want a pickle in their p o o p e r and all women want to scissor other women? because mental illness

        • Bandara Carlos

          you just made my point for me! pretty boy

          • 1bimbo

            your point is at the top of your head

          • Bandara Carlos

            Incredible your knowledge of the subjects that quiet Vast, are you sure you want to come out?lol

          • 1bimbo

            the sexually disordered need to get out more.. 2% of 300Million people means you campaign for a loud-mouthed miniscule sub-group.. doesn’t really bode well for your ‘everybody’s gay’ theory, does it?

          • Bandara Carlos

            1bimbo: you’re studying the subject way too much with such a bloated interests I guess it must bring you joy. Sorry I stepped up on your personal fantasy. lol

          • 1bimbo

            there’s no ‘right’ not to be offended.. i have not ‘right’ ti demand you accept me because i’m a conservative..a woman .. and a christian.. and you have no right to demand i accept you for .. whatever it is you are. let me keep it simple for your..
            1. obey rule of law
            2. defend liberty
            3. honor the constitution
            there’s nothing in our constitution about ‘compassion’ or ‘acceptance’ or ‘fairness’ or ‘social totalitarianism’.. that would be a sick twisted tyrannical society to live in because compassion is personal.. acceptance is heartfelt(not legislated), fairness changes with every generation and social totalitarianism never survives liberty

          • Bandara Carlos

            IF1bimbo is a woman then I am a Republican Right Wing, Fascist. LOL

          • 1bimbo

            conservative women are a different breed than you’re used too.. obviously

          • Bandara Carlos

            Not like you Sir. You sell out too easy. LOL

          • AJCoog

            But its okay to gerrymander in order to rig election results and disenfranchise thousands of eligible voters? Those are the kind of laws we should “obey”? How does one “defend liberty” if his right to vote is deprived? How is it “honoring the constitution” when the very social contract that it entails is subverted for political gain? Or maybe you meant only *some* are entitled to the benefits of the rule of law; only a *few select * ought to defend liberty, and *only a chosen few have the right* to honor the constitution, as *they* see it. Yes, I see your point now.

    • SocraticGadfly

      Yep … it’s called “projection.”

  • 1bimbo

    holy sh*t!! grownups work at the starlegram too!

    ‘….a careful look at his website reveals a series of thoughtful and thorough policy prescriptions for education, transportation and healthcare, among other topics. In fact, his proposals appear far more robust than those of his challenger.

    On education, Abbott has outlined a comprehensive plan to improve reading and math skills during the critical early years (pre-K through third grade), and would increase accountability among existing pre-K programs to ensure they are effective at closing the achievement gap. His plan would cost $775.5 million, and the targeted approach holds promise.

    Both candidates fault the federal government for failing to secure the border and pass immigration reform. But Abbott plans to significantly beef-up security. That includes hiring 500 additional DPS officers, 20 new Texas Rangers and more tools and technologies to assist law enforcement.

    In spite of his tough rhetoric on illegal immigration, Abbott has worked to build support in the Hispanic community, seeking common ground on social and economic issues.

    And it is on the economy where the case for Abbott is strongest. Texas has enjoyed significant growth and prosperity, and Abbott, as a small-government conservative, is best positioned to inspire confidence in the business community….’

    • Bandara Carlos

      You got to be kidding! You want the Corporate Billionaires

      to control everything in your life? Like Abbutt

      • 1bimbo

        you mean like hillary clinton, right?

      • a7xrocker1981

        Excuse me, but how is Soros doing. Did he cut your pay? Did Warren Buffet not invite you to his most recent party? What about Steyer, is his wife okay? Zuckerberg seems nice too.

        Shut up hypocrite.

        • Bandara Carlos

          There are two kinds of Republicans.
          Millionaires and suckers.
          Are you a millionaire? lol

        • A. Zigon

          Quite a Comparison, Soros–2.6 million dollars the Koch Brothers 410, 000, 000 dollars

          • Bandara Carlos

            Wow. I didn’t understand there was that much difference

            Koch Brothers $ 410.0 million dollars

            Soros– $ 2.6million dollars

            Difference $407.4 million dollars
            over 157 times more Koch Brothers buying politicians across the country.!

  • SocraticGadfly

    As I said, this was one of the most illogical editorials at the Snooze in more than a decade:

  • Angelo_Frank

    Either way the vast majority of Texans will not see any better lives. The gerrymandering of voting districts insures one-party rule in this state. Meanwhile, the cronyism at the top will continue to enrich their wealthy friends and donors.

  • Lee1936

    During several of my younger years, I subscribed to the Texas Observer, when it was run by Ronnie Dugger, who I knew. He was a serious man of principle and had a clear and sober mind.
    So sorry to see what has overtaken the TO. This article is mindless drivel. Due to a couple of my nieces having liked it on Facebook, I read every word of it, and regret having wasted my time. Never again.

    • 1bimbo

      texOb has devolved into a series of social justice opinion pieces passed off as objective investigative news.. the writers spend most of their time attempting to be sarcastic and adroit and are as skillful at it as a one-armed juggler .. why? because john stewart and stephen colbert

  • george phillips

    if either one of them would go thru the capitals door and do what they say they would do ahhhhhhh chit i dreaming again

  • A. Zigon

    Make republicans Crazy? How could we tell