
Bono Discusses Possibility of U2 Acoustic Tour in KROQ Interview

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Jonathan Leibson/Getty Images

Jonathan Leibson/Getty Images

By Philip Cosores

On the heels on announcing their appearance at the 25th annual KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas, there is a chance that U2 might be taking the “acoustic” idea seriously, claiming Rick Rubin challenged them to strip down their sound.

“With the U2 sound and Edge’s guitar rig, there’s sort of orchestration that comes with our songs, and Rick was saying ‘What would it be like to just hear things just raw?’ Bono said in an interview with KROQ (a CBS Radio station) morning show hosts Kevin & Bean. “So when we put out this album with iTunes, we also put out an album, a physical release where we have acoustic versions of those songs and some people prefer them, which is interesting. And we’ve been going around the world playing them and we’re going to play certainly a few.”

That doesn’t mean the KROQ ACC appearance will lack the typical U2 fire.

“We might turn up the heat a little because you’re in the Forum now this Christmas with your birthday party,” Bono said, “but I think we’ll certainly play some of them stripped down and that’s a new thing for us. We were never a band that learned songs like that or wrote songs like that. We were always improvising in the studio. But these songs, I think, they stand up like that. I hope so.”

Bono also indicated the acoustic sets might be part of a bigger tour, though nothing concrete has really been revealed about it.




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