Tribpedia: Republican Party Of Texas


The Republican Party of Texas is the state branch of the Republican Party, generally considered to be center-right on the political spectrum. It is one of the two major political parties in Texas, the other being the Texas Democratic Party. The party raises money, organizes events, and campaigns for Republican candidates.

In addition to being the majority in the Texas ...


What Went Wrong With Battleground Texas?

Jeremy Bird speaking at The Texas Tribune Festival on Sep. 28, 2013
Jeremy Bird speaking at The Texas Tribune Festival on Sep. 28, 2013

Battleground Texas launched in January 2013 with the goal of turning reliably red Texas into — at minimum — a purple state where Democrats could compete. But nearly two years later, on the day after the 2014 general election, Texas looks redder than ever. What went wrong? 


Jeremy Bird speaking at The Texas Tribune Festival on Sep. 28, 2013
Jeremy Bird speaking at The Texas Tribune Festival on Sep. 28, 2013

Battleground Misfires on Turnout Memo

Oops. Battleground Texas, a liberal group working to boost Democratic hopes in conservative Texas, admitted Friday that it erred in claiming that early voter turnout in the 70 largest counties was rising dramatically. State figures show turnout is flat at best so far.

Texas Republican Party chairman Steve Munisteri speaks to the Grassroots Club in Fort Worth on June 5, 2014.
Texas Republican Party chairman Steve Munisteri speaks to the Grassroots Club in Fort Worth on June 5, 2014.

GOP Issues Rare Retraction of HD-105 Flyers

Politicians are always griping that their opponents are leveling false charges against them. But when Democrat Susan Motley complained about a Republican attack on her in a state House race, GOP chairman Steve Munisteri agreed. And now he's issued a rare retraction, at the cost of thousands of dollars, to voters in north Texas.

The Third General Session during platform debate at the Republican Convention, Fort Worth on June 6, 2014.
The Third General Session during platform debate at the Republican Convention, Fort Worth on June 6, 2014.

Analysis: In Democrats' Fall, a Lesson for GOP

The Texas Democrats are now where the Republicans were when Wayne Thorburn was executive director of the Texas GOP. Thorburn, who held the post from 1977 to 1983, says the minority party is not yet a statewide contender but could become one.

Austin voters waited in line to cast ballots for constitutional amendments on Nov. 5, 2013.
Austin voters waited in line to cast ballots for constitutional amendments on Nov. 5, 2013.

Analysis: Democrats, Republicans — and Novembers

The biggest single cluster of Texas voters has not been to the polls so far this year: Texans who vote only in November. That group outnumbers those who vote in either the Republican or the Democratic primaries. Both parties are counting on this group.

Rick Perry speaks at the RedState Gathering in Fort Worth on Aug. 8, 2014.
Rick Perry speaks at the RedState Gathering in Fort Worth on Aug. 8, 2014.

After Perry Indictment, Democrats Look to Pounce

Following Gov. Rick Perry's indictment on charges of abuse of power and coercion, Texas Democrats are trying to capitalize, saying the case raises larger questions about ethics within the Republican Party. Whether that strategy can sway voters in November is an open question. 

Gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott speaks at a NE Tarrant Tea Party meeting at Concordia Lutheran Church in Bedford on Nov. 12. State Sen. Wendy Davis, who is also running for governor, speaks to veterans at Luby's in Forest Hill the day before.
Gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott speaks at a NE Tarrant Tea Party meeting at Concordia Lutheran Church in Bedford on Nov. 12. State Sen. Wendy Davis, who is also running for governor, speaks to veterans at Luby's in Forest Hill the day before.

Abbott Campaign Reports $35.6 Million War Chest

Attorney General Greg Abbott has amassed a $35.6 million war chest in the race for Texas governor. His Democratic opponent, Sen. Wendy Davis, says she has $13.1 million for the effort. 

Trey Martinez-Fischer, D-San Antonio, in legislative action at the Texas Capitol during the 83rd Legislative Session in the spring and summer of 2013.
Trey Martinez-Fischer, D-San Antonio, in legislative action at the Texas Capitol during the 83rd Legislative Session in the spring and summer of 2013.

Analysis: Is That Any Way to Attract Gringos?

State Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, speaking at the Texas Democratic Party convention on Friday night, referred to the GOP as "Gringos y Otros Pendejos." The line drew gasps and laughter from the audience and sputtering anger from conservatives on social media.

James Dickey, chairman of the Travis County Republican Party (in red), and Brendan Steinhauser, campaign manager for U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (in black), talked to members of the crowd at a Juneteenth celebration in East Austin on Saturday. Steinhauser's visit was part of the Cornyn campaign's efforts to reach diverse communities.
James Dickey, chairman of the Travis County Republican Party (in red), and Brendan Steinhauser, campaign manager for U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (in black), talked to members of the crowd at a Juneteenth celebration in East Austin on Saturday. Steinhauser's visit was part of the Cornyn campaign's efforts to reach diverse communities.

Cornyn Hopes Tea Party Strategy Will Help GOP Diversify

John Cornyn's campaign is actively seeking to reach diverse communities that haven’t been traditional Republican supporters, from Indian-Americans to Latinos in the border colonias. And his team is trying to use Tea Party-style strategies to do it. Democrats have two words for them: good luck. 


Governor candidate Greg Abbott at the Republican Convention in Fort Worth June 6, 2014.
Governor candidate Greg Abbott at the Republican Convention in Fort Worth June 6, 2014.

GOP Platform Complicates Hispanic Outreach for Abbott

The Texas GOP's hardline stance on immigration in its recently approved party platform has drawn criticism from Democrats and some Republicans. And it comes amid a gubernatorial race in which both Republican Greg Abbott and Democrat Wendy Davis are working to court Hispanic voters.

The atrium of the Fort Worth Convention Center, site of the Texas Republican Convention on June 5, 2014.
The atrium of the Fort Worth Convention Center, site of the Texas Republican Convention on June 5, 2014.

GOP Poised For Lively Floor Debate at State Convention

As they enter the final day of the Texas GOP convention, about 10,000 delegates are set to adopt the state party’s stance on a slew of issues. Republican delegates are set to debate key voting issues among conservatives — immigration and homosexuality — when they vote Saturday on the state Republican Party platform.

Texas' Shift From Blue to Red Informs 2014 Races

In 1961, a Wichita Falls political science professor became the first Texas Republican to win a statewide seat since Reconstruction. It took another 37 years for the party to sweep the other major offices. That history provides insight into the challenges now facing Democrats, and the reasons Republicans are taking the current threat to their winning streak seriously.

Debate over the immigration plank of the Republican Party of Texas' platform will be a key part of the GOP's convention in Fort Worth from June 5-7, 2014.
Debate over the immigration plank of the Republican Party of Texas' platform will be a key part of the GOP's convention in Fort Worth from June 5-7, 2014.

Immigration to Be Key Topic at Texas GOP Convention

With the long and contentious 2014 primary season over in Texas, it's state party convention time. And as Texas Republicans meet this week in Fort Worth to work on their party platform, immigration is set to be a key point of discussion.