Jerry Jones Sex Assault Suit Is Over, But It Isn't Exactly Clear Why

Frank Hoover via Twitter
Jerry Jones is no longer headed to trial over accusations that he sexually assaulted a woman in 2009. The case, brought by former stripper Jana Weckerly, also claimed that Jones and his longtime lawyer, Levi McCathern, conspired to pay her off until the statute of limitations expired.

A hearing was scheduled for Thursday afternoon to determine whether or not Weckerley's claims could move forward despite the fact that more than five years had passed since the incident with Jones. She argued that her claim should still be heard because of Jones frequent travel outside Texas, and that the payments she claimed to have received from Jones, by way of McCathern, fell within the statute.

Thursday morning, after a court-mandated mediation session Wednesday, the case was dismissed.

McCathern, and Weckerley's lawyer Thomas Bowers, gave dueling cryptic statements.

First from McCathern: "We are pleased with the Court's Judgment against Ms. Weckerly. Ms. Weckerly's allegations were false. This case is over."

And from Bowers: "The Motion to Dismiss was granted. We do not contest the Judgment as entered by the court. Neither Jerry Jones nor the Cowboys organization has paid us any money."

The court order dismissing the case is included below.

Jones Lawsuit Dismissal


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everlastingphelps topcommenter

The judge was going to throw it out for being frivolous.  That's what TRCP 91a is.  That rule also shifts the attys fees back onto the Plaintiff for them being a Dumbass (that's a legal term) and wasting the court's time.  That's why she agreed to walk away -- she (or her attys) were going to have to come out of their own pockets.


It got dismissed because, in all likelihood, nothing happened. Jerry's probably had his fair share of hookers and blow, but not in this case. Looks like some young female was feeling entrepreneurial. 

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

The Doomsday Triplets are conspicuously absent today.


His poor wife, she's been dealing with this shit from him for decades from what I have heard, and from good sources too. 

They must have had a meeting of the minds on this shit along time ago. 

I havent liked the Cowboys since Jones (scumbag) bought the club and fired Tom Landry - the true Dallas Cowboy! 

mavdog topcommenter

"Neither Jerry Jones nor the Cowboys organization has paid us any money."

so she was given a front office job? Surely there's got to be some type of compensation given to Weckerly....these type of claims normally don't just go poof, especially when there are photos.


It's not clear why?  Because money talks.  Pretty clear to me.

holmantx topcommenter

Well good.

the nation is safe once again.



IF that was the case, it was merely because of statute of limitations, not because of the lack of merits! 

He was very lucky she waited so long. She had him "red handed" if you will. are worth a thousand words.........



Oh their lurking, they just take the side of the "establishment" so nothing exciting for them here..............

Do you really think they have something better to do than spew tea party lines???



Right...she's as much a victim as Hillary Clinton was and is. Jean Jones stays with Jerry because Jerry's a billionaire NFL owner. She probably enjoys the status and life style that affords her. 

Like Hillary, I doubt she gives a damn where Jerry sticks his business, as long as she doesn't have to deal with it. Hillary stayed married to her scum-bag husband because he was the freaking President of the United States, and she likely enjoyed the privileges and status of being the First Lady. She also likely wanted to protect her own political viability.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@gomey Poor.  I don't know the woman and she might be a lot of things.  Poor is not one of them.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


"Neither Jerry Jones or the Cowboys organization paid us any money."

LOL. She signed the check.



Maybe she got an invitation to Jerry's next stag party?



Yep, it got settled in some hidden way. Obviously, the plaintiff is happy! 

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@gomey @everlastingphelps I think lack of merit was a big part of it as well.  SoL made it a slam dunk, but there was a good chance that throwing in the law firm sealed her as a vexatious litigant in the eyes of the judge.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

@James080 @mavdog

Or maybe her boyfriend got a "blanket-party" and an invitation to another if they don't quit making noise.



Jones didn't pay me any "money" but I sure do love my paid-off house and cars!!! 


@MaxNoDifference Myrna saying that her fish is fresh and clean and that her breasts are always tender and moist just temporarily convinced me that I had ebola. Shit and vomit are everywhere in here now.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@JustSaying  You DISGUSTING person.  And Scott.  Don't start in, I warn you.

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