Category: Workforce

Report: Energy jobs have led economic recovery

The increases in oil and gas industry employment has nearly overtaken the number of all the jobs lost in the last decade, according to a new report  More »

Cheniere, Hilcorp among Houston’s best workplaces

Cheniere Energy and Hilcorp were ranked among midsized companies with 150 to 499 employees.  More »

Continuing career development: here’s what I’m reading

There is lots out there already on the web, but the downside is that it is difficult to put all of this information into one, cohesive whole on a particular topic. Furthermore, when you do find something particularly interesting, the nature of the article format means that there are limits to how deep a piece can go: you’re hooked from the first sentence, and just as it starts getting good, the article ends!  More »

LinkedIn: Energy companies among most in demand for job seekers

The social network released its list ranking companies’ with the most engagement from potential employees.  More »

Commentary: Career growth means embracing change

In the year and a half I have been doing this column, I have dispensed A LOT of career advice both in my weekly pieces as well as personal emails with readers, so securing this newest opportunity was enlightening: I was on the “other” side!  More »

Apache to get third CFO in eight months

Alfonso Leon, the company’s chief financial officer and executive vice president, resigned Tuesday, the Houston-based exploration and production company announced.  More »

Supporting the fight against breast cancer: good. Pink drill bits: not so much…

I fully support any effort to cure any kind of cancer, and it certainly seems the people behind the campaign were well-meaning and sincere when they decided to go ahead with the idea (the mother of one of those involved died of the disease), but set against the oil & gas industry’s ongoing efforts to attract more women, it’s my opinion that the campaign could unintentionally be more divisive than uniting.  More »

Energy Day Festival Links Future Generations with Future Prosperity

The U.S. Dept. of Labor announced in October that the number of job openings in the U.S. has reached 4.8 million, the highest since January 2001. In addition, a recent report by Manpower, a worldwide staffing company, predicted that the number of jobs in the energy sector, unquestionably one of the nation’s fastest growing industries, […]  More »

Female roughneck tells story of life on the oil field

Carla Restivo started her career in 1976 as roughneck. She explained her experiences as a woman in field dominated by men.  More »

Here’s one oil & gas industry outreach program you should definitely stand behind

The message is so important, and the company pushing that message is so appropriate, that I can’t help but be really, really enthused about this latest outreach effort from one particular and very significant player in the oil & gas industry.  More »

Oil business recruits women to replace the retiring old boys

The booming oil industry, in need of new talent as the previous generation nears retirement, is trying to attract more women to its ranks.  More »

N.D. oil boom widens wage gap between the sexes

North Dakota’s unprecedented oil bonanza has boosted salaries throughout the state, though the male-dominated, high-paying energy industry also is widening the wage gap between men and women.  More »
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