Ebola in Dallas: October 21

Categories: Healthcare

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Scanning electron micrograph of Ebola virus budding from the surface of a Vero cell
With 17 days until the last person in direct contact with one of Dallas' three Ebola patients finishes monitoring, here's the latest:

The condition of the patients:
Amber Vinson's mother, Debra Berry, discussed her daughter's condition on Good Morning America early Tuesday. Mom says Vinson remains weak, but is doing OK and focused on getting better. Berry told the morning show that it's been difficult for her and her family to comprehend her daughter's situation.

As of Tuesday afternoon, Nina Pham has been upgraded from fair to good condition by doctors at the National Institutes of Health. Bentley, her dog, gave his first sample to be tested for Ebola this morning. He has shown no symptoms and still appears to be a very good boy.

Perry announces procedure for potential future Ebola cases:
Governor Rick Perry announced Tuesday that any future Ebola cases will be treated at UTMB Galveston or at Methodist Richardson. Patients in Richardson would see UT Southwestern doctors and have their lab work done at Parkland's lab. WFAA's Janet St. James also reports that Parkland will provide a 50-person unit for quick Ebola response. Perry says the new setups will be ready in the next 24 hours. The new facilities are part of a plan by the newly formed Texas Task Force on Infectious Diseases, led by Dr. Brett Giroir.

New CDC Ebola protocols:
Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new set of guidelines for the treatment of potential Ebola patients. Most important, the new rules call for no exposed skin when treating potential Ebola and guide the removal of protective gear, one of the most dangerous actions for caretakers.

Dallas County HHS update:
DCHHS director Zach Thompson says that 31 of the 37 people with direct exposure to someone with Ebola have cleared monitoring. Eight of 67 people who were possible exposed have done the same. During the same briefing, County Judge Clay Jenkins informed the commissioner's court that those under monitoring through election day would be allowed to vote from home after a special dispensation from Governor Perry. Jenkins went on to say that he believes the county is winning the fight against Ebola.

Finally, here's an interview with Richard Preston:
Preston wrote The Hot Zone, the non-fiction book that inspired Outbreak.

Update: 4:39 p.m.:
The City of Dallas has launched a new information campaign it's calling KnowEbola. Literature and information was provided to residents near the conference center in Oak Cliff where Louise Troh, the fiance of Thomas Eric Duncan, the Ebola index patient, is staying. A domain has been registered, and city spokeswoman Sana Syed promises there is more to come in the coming days. Better late than never.


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ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

It is truly amazing what our political leaders can accomplish when the horse is out of the barn and way on down the road.

It just goes to show that if you want to be proactive about protecting yourself against disasters, you have to do it yourself.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

"New CDC Ebola protocols:
Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new set of guidelines for the treatment of potential Ebola patients. Most important, the new rules call for no exposed skin when treating potential Ebola and guide the removal of protective gear, one of the most dangerous actions for caretakers."

For those who think the revision date on the CDC protocols just changed some minor irrelevant syntax.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

I'm pretty sure that if we get our Top Men on this right away, we can send up a nuclear warhead and blast that thing into smithereens before it even gets close to Earth.

I saw it in a movie, once. Or twice . . . 

everlastingphelps topcommenter



mavdog topcommenter


from my post earlier today:

I see the criticism. It is interesting to note they saw the problem with these instructions and responded.

One thing to remember is "one size does not fit all", there should be Ebola specific guidelines, as well as other similar situations such as SARS etc. These guidelines pictured were not

this link has been up for much longer than Monday.


RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki I beat you to the punch on posting that link!!!! Extra credit??

TheRuddSki topcommenter


You do know what "update" means, right?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Check is in the mail, along with a box of crickets.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


must have been repub nurses, out to purposefully embarrass the administration.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


LOL. What does "respond" suggest, that they kept the protocols the same, or that they were, as was painfully illustrated, wrong?

Did you enjoy the Twitchy link to the deadly poster of protocols? Of course you did.

mavdog topcommenter


were the protocols "wrong" in your medical opinion?

appears they were inadequate for a symptomatic ebola patient.

which was my point, there needs to be ebola specific guidelines.

seems the CDC saw the same and "responded'. are you now critical of their responding?

are you referring to the "twitchy link" that you failed to put in your post?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


My opinion has nothing to do with it, amigo.

I take it you still haven't read the twitchy link that I've posted twice now.

mavdog topcommenter


My opinion has nothing to do with it, amigo

please take that to heart.

I take it you still haven't read the twitchy link that I've posted twice now.

tsk tsk, you didn't stay and read the thread following your post where you didn't link to twitchy but claimed you did?

you should go there and catch up.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I posted the link. Twice. Give. It. Up.

Did you ever click on it?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The link is just below, did you click on it or not?

I can post it again if you're unable to scroll.

mavdog topcommenter


Golden posted the link, and I responded to his post.

I can link that thread for you again if you are having problems navigating....

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Fantastic. I don't have to post it for you again.

You're pretty funny, I'll hand you that.

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