Video of Cowboys' RB Joseph Randle Being Booked by Frisco PD Is, Like the Underwear He Stole, Priceless

Categories: Crime, Sports

Cowboys running back Joseph Randle, he of the post-Seattle Seahawks victory underwear theft and subsequent underwear endorsement, had what can best be described as an amusing experience being booked by Frisco police.

See also: Cowboy Joseph Randle Gets an Underwear Endorsement Deal for Stealing Underwear

"This is a cool little publicity stunt though," he says in the first of two videos obtained by KTVT before asking the cop doing his intake if "this was going to be in the papers."

Correctly worried that it would be, Randle tells the officer that he isn't going to look "like a criminal" in his mugshot and asks to see it.

Frisco Police Department
It did come out pretty good.
The male officer in the video is a Cowboys fan.

"You did good yesterday," he tells Randle at one point, "I should have played the moneyline in that game."

Randle never seems too bothered. Like every guy arrested in a movie ever, his first question, which he asks again later, is "when am I going to get my phone call." When asked what he did, he describes the incident succinctly.

"I threw some drawers in my bag, Polo drawers," he says.

Randle proves that the patience required to be a backup running back keeps things in perspective.

"This could be cool, this could be God working his plan out for all of us," he says. "There's real people out there who should be in here."

Like Josh Brent, the Cowboys defensive tackle expected back later in the season after being convicted of intoxication manslaughter in January.

"He's still up in the locker room," Randle says. "He was driving drunk, that's stupid."


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TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is all part of God's plan.


Yes there should be other people up in there. Instead, Randle wasted the time of those officers having to book his stupid ass instead of being out dealing with worse offenders.

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