Old Dude Whips Out a Concealed Handgun and Kills Chain-Snatcher Who Attacked His Wife

Categories: Crime

Ronnie Lummus, 71, must not look like the type to carry a gun.

But it's a good thing he was packing last night. He and his wife were shopping at Aldi's on Forest Lane in Northwest Dallas, close to LBJ Freeway. When the couple finished, they walked through the sliding glass doors to the parking lot around 7:20 p.m., and that's when Lummus' wife's gold necklace caught one man's eye.

The man, who police say is in his 30s, approached Lummus' wife and wrenched the jewelry off her neck. Then, he pushed her to the ground and took off, running toward his car.

See also: In One of Dallas' Roughest Neighborhoods, a Boy Shot Dead and No Explanation

Lummus took out his concealed handgun and started firing. Police say he fired multiple shots, with at least one hitting its mark.

The man managed to open his car door, get in and attempt to drive. He didn't make it far. He died at the wheel, and his vehicle rammed into a parked car.

When police arrived, they sussed out that Lummus had a valid concealed handgun license. Police say he feared for his and his wife's lives during the robbery, and witnesses back up that he fired in self-defense.

Send your story tips to the author, Sky Chadde.


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You shouldn't shoot someone over jewelry. That said, if you hit my wife you're toast. I don't carry a gun because I'm a mechanical incompetent but I did play two Division 1 varsity collision sports and even at almost 70 I would have run him down and made him real sorry he hit a woman.


Updated at 12:51 p.m. Thursday: Dallas police have identified a robbery suspect who was shot and killed Tuesday night outside a Northwest Dallas grocery store as 36-year-old Mike Angel Carmillio.

What an angel.. probably just came here for a better life and opportunity. Now he will be forever immortalized on the back window of some shitbox minivan or day laborer pick up.

With the angels now....


Why are the victims identified by name but not the urchin?

TheRuddSki topcommenter

The dispatched douche is more valuable to society dead, because the next guy thinking of assaulting the elderly might think twice - the old fart just might put a cap up the ass.

This is why people who loathe guns and "gun-nuts" benefit from that which they hate.


The Democrat commentators are really upset about this.

One less Obama voter for the midterms next month!


Look at all the garbage culture criminal scumbags that learned their morality from hip hop songs commenting. 


I am from Houston and I applaud that guy.Good job.Even petty criminals are fair game to us who follow the law. 


not quite sure about this one.....from a legal standpoint. Once the threat is over and the suspect is fleeing you aren't allowed to keep shooting...don't be surprised if this one turns into an indictment.


Bruce and Martha Wayne were robbed in a similar manner. IJS.


Nothing like shooting a guy in the back to make you feel like a man. 

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Buy that man a box of bullets!

Somehow, I can't help but feel grateful that a young man was deterred from a life of crime to the benefit of us all.

I am sure that if 911 was called, the police would have been there within 20 to 30 minutes to take a statement and provide a report number to the victims so that they could file a claim with their insurance company.


One less thug out there attacking elderly women? Awesome. 

Good for this guy for doing us all a favor.

Maybe it will have saved the lives of one of our parents or grandparents, now that this guy isn't out there beating and robbing elderly people any more.


What matters here is Texas law. Given below. 

The discussion about whether his life was in jeopardy as the assailant was fleeing is moot. What matters is the law. You can not agree with the law but you can't disregard it. 

Sec. 9.42. DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY. A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:

(1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and

(2) when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:

(A) to prevent the other's imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime; or

(B) to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property; and

(3) he reasonably believes that:

(A) the land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means; or

(B) the use of force other than deadly force to protect or recover the land or property would expose the actor or another to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury.



For the record, "urchin" means youthful; this perp was in his 30s.

bmarvel topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Except, of course, those caught in the line of fire.


He was just one arrest away from being the next jean valjean but now we will never know...



Yep, firing at the fleer was the case several years ago in a Duncanville rim-stealing case which got the firer indicted. Don't know the outcome, but it was instructive - briefly.

mavdog topcommenter


come on, we all know the Wayne's were murdered because of their opposition to Maroni's plans for Arkham...

TheRuddSki topcommenter

'Stop the Violence' organisers beat former room-mate unconscious, Pennsylvania police say.

Police chief says Emanuel Velez and Nikole Ardeno, still wearing a T-shirt saying ‘stop the violence’, attacked man in the middle of the street...

Too bad he wasn't packing, he could have stopped the violence.


@tdkisok Unlike you who would apologize to the Obama voter after he robbed your wife. "I'm sorry you just didn't have the same opportunities as she did!"



Are you over 70, and have you been in his shoes? 

There are many questions that remain to be answered, the manhood of an elderly gentleman defending his wife against a strong-arm robbery isn't one of them.


Yeah...it's a tough one but not that tough.  I have no sympathy for someone who prey's on the elderly.  THAT'S cowardice.  I won't say I'm grateful, but I'm not losing any sleep over it either.

bmarvel topcommenter

@kwslhs That's the law, kwsihs. Now, would you care to discuss the morality?Or do you recognize any morality beyond the law?

primi_timpano topcommenter

So the deadly force defense depends on whether it occurred at night?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


You're thinking of cops.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Use wasp spray, pepper spray goes stale, and it just pisses off your assailant.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Hip-hop stars, moguls and fans are proved much more dangerous to society than today's KKK.

bmarvel topcommenter

@leftocenter "...manhood of an elderly gentleman defending his wife against a strong-arm robbery"

Of course, leftocenter. IF he had been defending his wife.  He was not. (I'm 76.)


@bmarvel Are you referring to the morality behind a gentleman using legal deadly force to stop a crime in progress, or the morality behind the causal event of the thug's attack and robbery of an elderly woman?


@primi_timpano The law is clear. It makes special circumstances for committing a theft at night. 

bmarvel topcommenter

@TheRuddSki I'm thinking of anybody with a gun who shoots in a crowded situation. Cops included.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki And, if the wind isn't right, it can blow back on you and innocent bystanders. 

The best thing to do if you're worried about being killed, is to injure or kill you assailant.


The perp was probably just taking lessons from idols like Surge Knight and Matt "deadbeat dad" Williams. Both recently charged with a similar crime.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki It has been years since the KKK was dangerous.  It's practically disbanded as a group, and you just find a few left in some counties.

But, look at the murder rate in Dallas, L.A., Chicago, and Detroit, and that will tell you who it is that's dangerous to society.


@bmarvel @leftocenter 

As is my Dad.  What would you have done?  Have you ever been in a situation where someone just robbed and assaulted your wife/child/mom/partner etc?

I'm not being glib.  I just think this man's reaction in a high-stress moment shouldn't be judged by those of us not there, though they may be judged by a grand jury.

More importantly, do you think he acted out of swagger or trigger-happiness?  In your opinion.  Not right or wrong, but what state of mind would you attribute to him?

Do you carry?  When we allow concealed carry this is going to be a natural outcome.  Collateral damage is a major risk we assume.

BTW, I bet you're a HOT 76 :).

bmarvel topcommenter

@thomasrayw Yes. The morality behind the use of deadly force. "Crime" is a legal, not a moral, concept.

One may act morally and still break the law. Or one may act within the law and yet act immorally. Do you not make this distinction?

The thug's attack was obviously immoral as well as illegal. But is it permissible to answer an immoral act with another immoral act? I call that revenge.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Haven't seen any instances from CHL folks, cops seem to miss a lot.

Interesting that CHL holders as a group are statistically more law-abiding than cops, not to mention the general public.

bmarvel topcommenter

@leftocenter @bmarvel "Have you ever been in a situation where someone just robbed and assaulted your wife/child/mom/partner etc?"

Well,you're at leasat being honest, leftocentyer. This shooting was about revenge, not "defense." 

I do not carry. But one day burglars invaded my house. My daughter dialed 911 and  ran out the front door to seek help from a neighbor. I arrived within 20 minutes to find one of the burglars cuffed in the back seat of a police car. I was so furious that had I been carrying I would have happily shot him then and there, police notwithstanding. I give thanks to God I was not and did not.

I agree. This kind of revenge shooting, in the white-heat of the moment, is a natural outcome of concealed carry. That's why I don't carry. That and the fact that in all my life -- some of it in some very dangerous situations -- I've only once wished I had a gun -- on my front lawn that afternoon. It's for these moments, when we are filled with rage and give no thought to the danger to ourselves or others that I think concealed carry is a bad idea.

bmarvel topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Not particularly interested in knowing whether or not the gun-toter who wings me when  he's shooting at somebody else, Ruddski, is law-abiding or not. And I don't collect gun statistics. But since you've made some claims -- "CHL holders as a group are statistically more law-abiding than cops" -- I'll be happy to look at your statistics and sources. What are they?


@bmarvel @leftocenter It is not revenge.  He was stopping a crime in progress.  Under Texas law, he was within his legal rights to protect persons or property.

bmarvel topcommenter

@thomasrayw @bmarvel @leftocenter "Under Texas law,..." I'm not talking law, thomasrayw. I'm talking morality. I make a necessary distinction.

The morality at issue is the worth of a human  life versus te worth of a gold necklace.

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