We Knew Craig Watkins Was In Trouble, but Last Night Was Ugly

Categories: Elections

Would be king no more.
As in any good tragedy, Craig Watkins' tumble from his perch as Dallas County district attorney was preceded by hubris and stupidity. After badly underperforming compared with the rest of his party in his 2010 re-election win against Republican Danny Clancy, Watkins did everything possible to ensure another close race in 2014. He got one, and now, come January he'll be out of a job.

Whether it was the car wreck that Watkins secretly settled using forfeiture funds, the contempt charge saga, a bizarre debate performance or an ill-advised attempt to become the de facto boss of the Dallas County Democratic Party, Watkins consistently found new ways to shoot himself in the foot, and never raised enough money to spend his way out of it.

Tuesday, despite an awful performance across Texas and the rest of the United States, Democrats did very well in Dallas County. Wendy Davis lost the race for governor by more than 20 points, but she won by 11 in Dallas County. David Alameel, the guy most people have never heard of running against John Cornyn, won Dallas County by 3 points. Clay Jenkins -- who took on Ron Natinsky in the other major countywide race for county judge -- won, like Davis, by 11 points.

All Watkins needed to do to hang onto his seat was not run off a huge number of Democrats. He couldn't do it.

If you just look at the raw vote, the race between Watkins and his challenger Susan Hawk looks, and is, close. Hawk won by about 3,300 votes. If you look just a little deeper, Watkins performance is embarrassing.

Nearly 74 percent of the 196,023 votes cast for Watkins came from straight-ticket voters, the yellow dog Democrats who wouldn't have voted for Hawk if Watkins said he was going to buy five new cars a week with forfeiture funds. Only 59 percent of Hawk's voters punched the rest of the Republican ticket. Hawk won split-ticket voters by almost 30,000 votes. Democrats, perhaps because Hawk used to be one, were clearly comfortable crossing party lines for Hawk.

Wade Emmert, the chairman Dallas County Republican Party, thinks voters were, basically, just done with Watkins.

"I don't think there was one specific thing. I think Republicans were motivated, they were motivated in Dallas County just like they were across the state of Texas and nationally, opposing Obama's policies," he said. "So they were motivated to get out and vote. But, two, I think it was, Watkins did have self-inflicted wounds, with his FBI investigation, his misuse, several times, of asset forfeiture funds and his power grab with the [Democratic] county chair race and the judicial races."

Watkins previous two opponents -- both current defense attorneys and former assistants of ex-Dallas District Attorney Bill Hill -- both say better times are ahead at the Dallas County Courthouse.

"I can tell you that just about everybody I've run into is elated," said Clancy. "There are some who work in the [District Attorney's] office that are a little bit nervous about the change, but change is sometimes a very good thing and I think in this case, it certainly is."

Clancy said that the shine has worn off the soon-to-be former district attorney.

"In the beginning, when he took office, he was making headlines for all the right reasons and in the end he was making headlines for all the wrong reasons."

Toby Shook, Watkins' 2006 opponent, looks for the courthouse to be happier place.

"There was a lot of tension all the time," he said of Watkins confrontational style. "You're not going to see that anymore at all down there. It needs to be a team atmosphere, and I think you'll see a good working relationship with the defense bar, the judges and the prosecutors."

My Voice Nation Help

do your own thang man, the truth has set us free of you, yeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


TOBY SHOOK said what!!!! Watkins had been and still is getting all of these innocent men out of prison that TOBY SHOOK carelessly locked up for 20, 30, 40 years! Why is he even commenting! So, all the innocent men in prison have to make plans to spend the rest of their innocent lives in prison because Susan Hawk's agenda will not include them, unfortunately.  I hope she helps Dallas as much as she spends time with that BOTOX! SMH!!!! YOUNG people disappoint me and the parents of those young people (18 and up who can/ could vote who did not) should be ashamed! SMH!!!!

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

It's time for some blunt honesty about the Watkins colossal loss.

1.  His election was a fluke to begin with, but a larger Democratic turnout shoehorned him into the DA's office.  A bail bondsman, and supposedly trial attorney, did he count on help from the veterans in the DA's office who knew how it worked?  Did he focus on what he could do to help the growing crime rate in Dallas? Did he admit to himself he was incompetent to do the job, but lucked into an opportunity that could last for years if he worked hard and took advantage of it?  

The answer to all three was a resounding NO!

But, the worst thing he did, and what clinched his defeat, was trying to be the Boss Tweed of Dallas by running his own assistants against judges in whose court he and they had to practice, and run one of his top assistants against the county chairman of his party - a very popular county chairman. 

One general has to go to a mental institution to find people this crazy.  And, of course, he resented being beaten by a white, attractive, female, Republican who knew what she was doing. 

It's just exactly like the Greek plays where the hero is his own worst enemy.  But, he doubled-down, and became the enemy of his own political party. 


C'mon, DO - where's the big Election 2014 Recap Thread?! I'm dyin' over here!

..... >.<


Watkins thought he could do a John Wiley Price and win no matter what. He was wrong.


This wasn't about his job performance - it was unimpeachable.  This was about reporters who were upset that he didn't make more time for them - so they bashed him in their articles.


His financial "issues" are quite legendary.  I'm a medical guy so I have a belief that some people are psychologically incapable of managing money.  Like, really don't have a fundamental understanding of how it all works and are unable to learn.  A financial autism, if you will.  He sure fits the bill.


I for one am shocked SHOCKED at yet another corrupt black politician getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. At least this one got booted in a relatively few short years unlike say... Price or Eddie Bernice Johnson.

Or before being elevated to mayor a la Kwame or Bill Cambell.

Hopefully for Hawke's sake we don't have another Sidney Dorsey on our hands though!


@srpearson2004 you really believe they were all innocent, i got some ocean front property in lubbok i want to show you

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@srpearson2004 You apparently don't know how the criminal justice system operates.  First of all, you're WRONG about the length of Toby Shook's tenure in the DA's office.  But, second, and more importantly, it was Dallas County juries and judges who found people guilty and sent them to prison; not the prosecutors. 

I believe it is horrible to ever send an innocent person to prison.  That flies in the face of our legal system, and our Bill of Rights.  But, a DA in an urban area like Dallas with way too much crime should NOT make the focus of his tenure getting innocent people out of prison.  That is NOT what taxpayers expect their money to go for. 

While I applaud Watkins' interest in the area of wrongful jury verdicts or judicial verdicts, I think making it the focus of an office that is where criminals are prosecuted is - and was - a huge mistake. 

But, in the case of Watkins' decisions, he made far worse bad judgements than that.


@srpearson2004 That's complete BS. For one thing, Toby Shook is not that old.  For another, mentioning his name along with Watkins is an effrontery to the legal profession.



Golly, you nailed several in a row right there! Agree completely. As I posted far below, although Watkins was this and that in office administration and political ambition, the fact that he saved all those wrongfully imprisoned men ought to get him at least a second interview at the Pearly Gates.

mavdog topcommenter


It's time for some blunt honesty about the Watkins colossal loss.

"colossal"??? Watkins lost by about 3,300 votes out of almost 400,000 votes cast. A less than .9% margin. nowhere near "colossal".

His election was a fluke to begin with, but a larger Democratic turnout shoehorned him into the DA's office.  

Apparently you weren't aware that Watkins won 2 elections as the Dallas County DA. Not a "fluke" in any form or fashion, especially when one looks at the voters for other Democrat candidates.

A bail bondsman, and supposedly trial attorney, 

Why do you say "supposedly"? He was an attorney, and had been counsel in trials of his clients.

Did he focus on what he could do to help the growing crime rate in Dallas? 

The crime rate in Dallas declined in every year of Watkin's tenure as DA. Clearly the answer to your question is yes, he did what he could do, so well that the crime rate declined. That was not what the voters looked at in making their decision on which DA candidate to vote for however.

Did he admit to himself he was incompetent to do the job, but lucked into an opportunity that could last for years if he worked hard and took advantage of it? 

The fact of the matter is he was competent in his job, so much so that he had time to engage in actions such as launching the intra-party conflicts that ended up biting him in his butt. Not very many fellow Dems were willing to help his re-election campaign, which was of his own making.



Well said, but one should beware any crowing about the Republican-ness of the DA, since she's crossed swim lanes previously, and since local party affiliation isn't supposed to correlate exactly to national party identification. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Anonamouse This one didn't need much recapping.  Democrats and Obama lost big at the state and national levels.  And, the GOP even beat the black Dallas DA with a white female who is actually competent.


@buckbucky Check that Governor you voted for the past 16 years that has done absolutely NOTHING for Texas, NOTHING for education (TX has highest h.s. drop out rate), NOTHING for immigration that his brother from another mother (Bush) opened the gate for so he could win his election... I'll just stop there.  Leadership starts at the top! SMH!

mavdog topcommenter


You must be under some misconception that Craig Watkins has been accused of being "corrupt", or that he was "caught with his hand in the cookie jar".

He hasn't on either case.

other than being completely wrong, I'm sure you have a point to make.

and it is Hawk, not Hawke.


I stopped reading after Toby Shook is not that old...

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog Watkins should have received about 54% of the vote. As it is, he was about 20,000 votes short of that number. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@wcvemail @noblefurrtexas I couldn't agree more that she's not what you'd call a lifelong solid Republican.  She seems to be negotiable from election to election. 

At least nobody could accuse her of being a right-wing fanatic.  :)


"Blame Bush" officially ended on Tuesday.. time for you to start blaming Obama finally!

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog @buckbucky He's mostly accused of being stupid, unethical, delusional, and politically tone deaf.  Running your assistants against your party's own elected officials was stupid.  But, doing it for courts in which you practice was a conflict of interest, and unethical. 

But, the dumbest move was running one of his senior assistants against a sitting and very popular Democrat county chairman,  THAT was beyond stupid.

In the end, Watkins beat himself, or at least made himself so vulnerable that he was a perfect political target for the other party.


@mavdog @buckbucky All I heard from Bucky's little rant was that they guy is black and therefore corrupt. Way to make a point. And he CAINT EVEN spell Susan Haweke's name right. So yeah, I'm sure he voted. 


@mavdog @buckbucky I guess the assets stolen from citizens without due process isn't really a cookie jar.. no you're right.

And I suppose he hasn't been formally accused in a court of law you know as opposed to just being held in contempt, investigated by the feds or being suspected of stealing funds(not from a cookie jar though).

Naaa dude is totally on the level. Up and up. 100% above board and a shining example of civic service!

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@mavdog  Bucky, aka Chattering Monkey, has never needed facts to justify a racist rant.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@mavdog In most elections, the DA gets as many votes - if not more - than the more political job of County Judge.  In fact, you can see what the base is by looking at votes for County Treasurer. 

There were 396,784 total votes in the County Judge race, but Watkins got only 196,000 votes.

I think it's clear he was rejected by Democrats as well as Republicans, and his opponent received a healthy share of Democrat votes as well as most Republican votes.

mavdog topcommenter


seriously phelps, did you read the article you posted (from Las Vegas??) headlined "federal corruption suspected"? there is zero substantiation of any federal investigation into the issue, and frankly it is Judge Frizell who would be investigated if anybody was. And no, the FBI is not even mentioned.

As for spending campaign funds hiring family members, if you believe that is unusual, or illegal, you are wrong.

mavdog topcommenter


I guess the assets stolen from citizens without due process isn't really a cookie jar.. no you're right.

just what "assets" were "stolen from citizens without due process" are you referencing? facts only.

And I suppose he hasn't been formally accused in a court of law you know as opposed to just being held in contempt or being suspected of stealing funds(not from a cookie jar though).

when was Watkins "held in contempt" or being investigated "for stealing funds"? he hasn't.

Naaa dude is totally on the level. Up and up. 100% above board and a shining example of civic service!

yes, unless you have more than just your rhetoric and inaccurate, dishonest claims, he is "above board" for all we know, and he has served the County well while he was in office.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @mavdog 

That's not me.  Dallas Observer is just letting him use my name.


@mavdog He was held in contempt when he refused to testify in that stupid Lisa Blu/Al Hill case. 


@mavdog "he has served the County well while he was in office."

Thanks for the laugh! 



I know why you are so pissed off, you wanted buttbuddy but it was already taken.

mavdog topcommenter


there are easy ways to work around that Statute Phelps, and you probably know this already.

as the Stones sang "just like a newborn baby it happens everyday".

mavdog topcommenter


The Lisa Blue affair was a huge example of how Watkin's ego got the best of him.

Watkins should have never lifted a finger to help Blue collect the money from Hill that Hill owed Blue.

I recall the contempt charge was thrown out.

mavdog topcommenter


I see that you cannot provide anything that supports your comments about "assets stolen" or Watkins being "suspected of stealing funds".

yes, thanks for the laugh. your fabrications and deceit make for a good one.



Mavdog:he is "above board" 

Mavdog: Watkins should have never lifted a finger to help Blue collect the money from Hill that Hill owed Blue.

Mavdog logic: A DA's financially motivated criminal charges against a private citizen are an example of above the board activity.



I doubt he had much choice. She was his campaign bank more or less.


@mavdog @buckbucky If you really think he did a good job then you are surely too busy sucking Obama's cock to pay any attention. 


I never saw him as corrupt, more an end justifies the means kinda guy in order to keep his power. Unlike JWP and EBJ, who had no other angle than political office in which to get get rich, Watkins was already rich. He needed the office for power not wealth. I look at him much like a Frank Underwood from House of Cards. The only difference was that his henchmen were sloppy and therefore Craig got the blowback.

mavdog topcommenter


"A DA's financially motivated criminal charges against a private citizen"

Oh, so Dingo says he has evidence that Watkins actions were done by Watkins receiving financial benefits.

Why don't you reveal this evidence Dingo, we all would like to see it.

And actually, as the whole affair was out in the open and written about, it is pretty much "above board". The opposite of being hidden,

Let us know when you can show it.


@buckbucky @mavdog So what were YOU doing to Bush when he was in office doing absolutely nothing but tearing down the US???? Ijs??? Can you ask Bush to bring back all of those 18 and 19 year olds to their grieving parents, that were unnecessarily killed fighting a war that Bush had no business or reason to start? Ija

mavdog topcommenter


If you really think he did a good job then you are surely too busy sucking Obama's cock to pay any attention.

interesting, so you're fixated on cock sucking?

first, linking Craig Watkins, the DA of Dallas County, to Barack Obama, President of the US, is in itself revealing.

second, even his opponent in a past election said Watkins "was making headlines for all the right reasons". I know you have difficulty understanding words, so let me explain for you: that was a compliment.

but then his opponent wasn't as focused as you are on what race Watkins is.

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