How to Amp Up Holiday Sales with LiveAd

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If you’re in the retail business, better start eating your Wheaties, because the holiday sales season is in full swing. And if you find it a challenge to get your marketing message heard during the rest of the year, standing out amidst the eardrum-busting pandemonium of the holiday season can seem like an impossible feat.

Hey, we get it. That’s why we created LiveAd, a game-changing online advertising solution for brands looking to amp up their video marketing strategy.

Video is one of the hottest trends in online marketing, and LiveAd lets you take it one step further by harnessing the excitement of live streaming and targeting the exact audience you want to reach. Since we launched the service just over a year ago, hundreds of Ustream clients have discovered just how powerful this combination can be — clients like HBO.

True-ly Impressive Impact

When HBO released Season 5 of its True Blood series on DVD, it promoted the launch through a “Live From the Set” streaming video event featuring stars of the show answering fan questions. Thanks to LiveAd, HBO was able to create an interactive ad that allowed a targeted audience to not only watch the stream, but also join chats on Facebook and Twitter — and, most importantly, click through to Amazon to place their orders immediately.

How effective was it? The event drew over 135,000 viewers who watched an average of 14 minutes … and it racked up more than 60,000 clickthroughs.

So if your holiday advertising strategy could use a little fresh blood (pardon the pun), think about adding a live video element to pump up your engagement … and your ROI.

To learn more, visit our LiveAd page or check out the DemandGen Report On-Demand Webinar.