Ecosystem Collaboration in the Cloud Era

Ecosystem Collaboration in the Cloud Era


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Ecosystem Collaboration in the Cloud Era

Ecosystem Collaboration in the Cloud Era

Technology - The Web

29 followers 26,631 views
Join us for this interactive 30-minute webcast, "Ecosystem Collaboration in the Cloud Era" on Monday, November 10, at 11:30 a.m. PT / 2:30 p.m. ET. We'll discuss the importance and role of cloud in fueling and building an ecosystem, as well as the cloud capabilities and tools needed for emerging startups to succeed.

Our all-star panel includes Sandy Carter, IBM; Mark Gorenberg, Zetta Venture Partners; Brad Hunstable, Ustream; Dr. Joonas Lehtinen, Vaadin; and Paolo Privitera, Pick1. Ask your questions for the panel via the Social Stream!
