Music Feature
Daniel Slatton (left) and Jake Murphy have put the past behind them — in more ways than one.

Silky Thread

Natural Anthem’s debut record is a psychedelic progression.
In a loft space in an unassuming Kennedale neighborhood, guitarist/singer Jake Murphy and drummer Daniel Slatton tune up for a rehearsal. As Slatton bangs out a few patterns on his six-piece kit, Murphy wires a pedal between hi...

Bludded Head’s Reign in Bludd

Killer or Filler?

Bludded Head, Lou Charles, and Not Half Bad run the gamut.
Nevada Hill’s doom project Bludded Head continues to churn out new material even while he’s undergoing cancer treatments. And from two diverse ends of the pop music spectrum, punks Not Half Bad and rapper Lou Charles keep t...


Just Peachy

On its new EP, Son of Stan nails perfect pop.
Jordan Richardson appears to be in complete control of his muse. Last year, his songwriting vehicle, Son of Stan (named after his father), released its debut album, the stellar and slightly experimental Divorce Pop. Earlier thi...

(From left to right) Alex Poulon, Matthew Baggins, Stephanie Donaghey, and LaVern Merigold are Toy Gun.

Rocked and Loaded

Toy Gun aims to Please, Please You.
The oft-romanticized idea of the singer-songwriter slaving away in solitude was never one that Stephanie Donaghey bought into. Despite her late hours writing poetry and listening to Leonard Cohen albums alone, the frontwoman fo...


Killer or Filler?

Jacob Furr, Henry the Archer, and Fogg lead this month’s review of new local recordings.
Like Jordan Richardson (a.k.a. Son of Stan), who recently returned home to Fort Worth after spending most of his adult professional life in Los Angeles, and Bummer Vacation’s Paul Hernandez, who relocated from Dallas to Fort ...

Forget Willie and Waylon. The most talked-about Outlaw album is Willis Alan Ramsey.

Rocky Mountain Way

There are several good reasons why Willis Alan Ramsey’s sophomore album has taken 40 years to come out.
Willis Alan Ramsey was barely out of his teens when he released a remarkable debut album that sounded like a greatest-hits project from a veteran artist. Now, 40 years later, Ramsey is more famous for having never released a se...

“I’m not really into the whole ‘bro country/party all the time’ kind of music that you hear a lot on the radio.”

Ryan’s Hope

On his new album, this Fort Worth singer-songwriter shows that rock and soul have a place in countrified music.
Country music is chock-full of great drinking songs, but Fort Worth singer-songwriter Mike Ryan, 28, may have recorded the classic ode to toking up on his smart, addictive new album, Bad Reputation. “Red Eye Flight” is an i...

Artists from as far afield as Germany, Peru, Russia, Sweden, Canada, and Italy –– and Texas –– call Saint Marie Records “home.” Tony Robles

Shoegaze Explosion

Fort Worth label Saint Marie Records has gone from two artists to nearly 50 in only three years.
After starting out in 2011 with just two artists, Saint Marie Records has blossomed into a globe-spanning label with 46 artists and more than 50 releases. The thought of a local-centric label simply never appealed to owner Wyat...

More Fleetwood Mac than Merle Haggard, Fort Worth singer-songwriter Whitnye Raquel is still built to battle –– and baffle –– societal convention. Dee Hill


Whitnye Raquel has some country influences but is way more than she appears.
You’d think that a young songwriter whose honkytonk guitar-playing father raised her on a steady diet of country legends would be super-enthusiastic about C&W. But Fort Worth’s Whitnye Raquel doesn’t even like it that...

Duell does “cheeseburger rock ’n’ roll” very well.

Kings of the Stone Age

Fuzzy, loud desert rock gets taken to new heights by Duell.
North Texas was covered in snow. It was late February, in the thick of the blizzard. Forrest Barton dragged himself from the cozy confines of his Haltom City retreat to the nearest liquor store to buy some beer and a bottle of ...