Energy & Land Use

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13 November 14, 1:51pm Cleaner natural gas opens up enormous opportunity for Australia #natgas #lng @IEA
array(23) { ["created_at"]=> string(30) "Thu Nov 13 03:51:17 +0000 2014" ["id"]=> int(532742470379900928) ["id_str"]=> string(18) "532742470379900928" ["text"]=> string(347) "Cleaner natural gas opens up enormous opportunity for Australia #natgas #lng @IEA" ["source"]=> string(83) "TweetDeck" ["truncated"]=> bool(false) ["in_reply_to_status_id"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_status_id_str"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_user_id"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_user_id_str"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_screen_name"]=> NULL ["user"]=> string(8) "APPEALtd" ["geo"]=> NULL ["coordinates"]=> NULL ["place"]=> NULL ["contributors"]=> NULL ["retweet_count"]=> int(4) ["favorite_count"]=> int(1) ["entities"]=> array(4) { ["hashtags"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["text"]=> string(6) "natgas" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(65) [1]=> int(72) } } [1]=> array(2) { ["text"]=> string(3) "lng" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(73) [1]=> int(77) } } } ["symbols"]=> array(0) { } ["user_mentions"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(5) { ["screen_name"]=> string(3) "IEA" ["name"]=> string(3) "IEA" ["id"]=> int(84679163) ["id_str"]=> string(8) "84679163" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(78) [1]=> int(82) } } } ["urls"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["url"]=> string(22) "" ["expanded_url"]=> string(102) "" ["display_url"]=> string(30) "…" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(83) [1]=> int(105) } } } } ["favorited"]=> bool(false) ["retweeted"]=> bool(false) ["possibly_sensitive"]=> bool(false) ["lang"]=> string(2) "en" }
13 November 14, 10:14am Media Release: Commitment to NSW gas is positive; now time for action #nswpol #agozchat #csg #natgas
array(23) { ["created_at"]=> string(30) "Thu Nov 13 00:14:43 +0000 2014" ["id"]=> int(532687970084466688) ["id_str"]=> string(18) "532687970084466688" ["text"]=> string(451) "Media Release: Commitment to NSW gas is positive; now time for action #nswpol #agozchat #csg #natgas" ["source"]=> string(83) "TweetDeck" ["truncated"]=> bool(false) ["in_reply_to_status_id"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_status_id_str"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_user_id"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_user_id_str"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_screen_name"]=> NULL ["user"]=> string(8) "APPEALtd" ["geo"]=> NULL ["coordinates"]=> NULL ["place"]=> NULL ["contributors"]=> NULL ["retweet_count"]=> int(3) ["favorite_count"]=> int(1) ["entities"]=> array(4) { ["hashtags"]=> array(4) { [0]=> array(2) { ["text"]=> string(6) "nswpol" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(70) [1]=> int(77) } } [1]=> array(2) { ["text"]=> string(8) "agozchat" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(78) [1]=> int(87) } } [2]=> array(2) { ["text"]=> string(3) "csg" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(88) [1]=> int(92) } } [3]=> array(2) { ["text"]=> string(6) "natgas" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(93) [1]=> int(100) } } } ["symbols"]=> array(0) { } ["user_mentions"]=> array(0) { } ["urls"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["url"]=> string(22) "" ["expanded_url"]=> string(92) "" ["display_url"]=> string(30) "…" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(101) [1]=> int(123) } } } } ["favorited"]=> bool(false) ["retweeted"]=> bool(false) ["possibly_sensitive"]=> bool(false) ["lang"]=> string(2) "en" }
13 November 14, 8:50am For each dollar of production, oil & gas sector adds 70c of value-add compared to all-industries average of 49c, PwC
array(23) { ["created_at"]=> string(30) "Wed Nov 12 22:50:15 +0000 2014" ["id"]=> int(532666713121116160) ["id_str"]=> string(18) "532666713121116160" ["text"]=> string(197) "For each dollar of production, oil & gas sector adds 70c of value-add compared to all-industries average of 49c, PwC" ["source"]=> string(83) "TweetDeck" ["truncated"]=> bool(false) ["in_reply_to_status_id"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_status_id_str"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_user_id"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_user_id_str"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_screen_name"]=> NULL ["user"]=> string(8) "APPEALtd" ["geo"]=> NULL ["coordinates"]=> NULL ["place"]=> NULL ["contributors"]=> NULL ["retweet_count"]=> int(2) ["favorite_count"]=> int(1) ["entities"]=> array(4) { ["hashtags"]=> array(0) { } ["symbols"]=> array(0) { } ["user_mentions"]=> array(0) { } ["urls"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["url"]=> string(22) "" ["expanded_url"]=> string(73) "" ["display_url"]=> string(30) "…" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(122) [1]=> int(144) } } } } ["favorited"]=> bool(false) ["retweeted"]=> bool(false) ["possibly_sensitive"]=> bool(false) ["lang"]=> string(2) "en" }
13 November 14, 8:49am Oil & gas is one of Australia’s highest value-adding industries in a new analysis, says PwC report #AFR
array(23) { ["created_at"]=> string(30) "Wed Nov 12 22:49:23 +0000 2014" ["id"]=> int(532666494841126912) ["id_str"]=> string(18) "532666494841126912" ["text"]=> string(251) "Oil & gas is one of Australia’s highest value-adding industries in a new analysis, says PwC report #AFR" ["source"]=> string(83) "TweetDeck" ["truncated"]=> bool(false) ["in_reply_to_status_id"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_status_id_str"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_user_id"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_user_id_str"]=> NULL ["in_reply_to_screen_name"]=> NULL ["user"]=> string(8) "APPEALtd" ["geo"]=> NULL ["coordinates"]=> NULL ["place"]=> NULL ["contributors"]=> NULL ["retweet_count"]=> int(2) ["favorite_count"]=> int(0) ["entities"]=> array(4) { ["hashtags"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { ["text"]=> string(3) "AFR" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(103) [1]=> int(107) } } } ["symbols"]=> array(0) { } ["user_mentions"]=> array(0) { } ["urls"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["url"]=> string(22) "" ["expanded_url"]=> string(73) "" ["display_url"]=> string(30) "…" ["indices"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(108) [1]=> int(130) } } } } ["favorited"]=> bool(false) ["retweeted"]=> bool(false) ["possibly_sensitive"]=> bool(false) ["lang"]=> string(2) "en" }

Energy & Land Use: How much land is needed to produce enough energy to power 8000 homes/year (about 52,000 megawatt hours)?

How much land is needed to produce enough energy to power 8000 homes/year (about 52,000 megawatt hours)?