Have you ever wondered how much water your vehicle uses? Considering most vehicles are powered by gasoline, the question of how much water they use seems strange; however, when scrutinized, it does indeed take water to extract, produce and transport gasoline and other transportation fuels. So, in reality, all vehicles use a certain amount of water when getting you from A to B.


Originally posted in July of 2010, this article highlights results of an air quality testing project conducted by TITAN Engineering, Inc. in June 2010 and covering Fort Worth and Arlington, Texas.

The Barnett Shale Energy Education Council (BSEEC) today released the results of its air quality testing project which showed there are no...

The massive air quality study being done by Eastern Research Group (ERG) for the City of Fort Worth was released on February 15, 2011.

The Fort Worth City Council made the decision to embark on a study of air emissions on natural gas sites last year and appointed an advisory board consisting of residents, representatives of the natural gas industry and an outside...

In discussions about air quality studies, carbon disulfide is occasionally mentioned as a detected compound.  The EPA describes carbon disulfide as a clear, colorless or faintly yellow liquid at room temperature. It is not associated with the production of natural gas in the Barnett Shale.  A more complete discussion of carbon disulfide by Dr. Janet Kester, Ph.D., D.A.B.T...

A study in early 2009 by SMU professor Al Armendariz contends that natural gas production contributes more to air pollution in North Texas than all the major airports and cars in the DFW area combined.

Our research has found that Armendariz' conclusions were based on an inaccurate and flawed interpretation of the facts.

If the SMU study's conclusions were...

Despite a December order by the US Environmental Protection Agency, methane gas found in two private water wells in Parker County, Texas, might not have come from nearby natural gas wells drilled by Range Resources, a local water quality official said Monday....

The North Texas Clean Air Steering Committee voted down two resolutions Thursday that would have given the state environmental agency recommendations on reducing emissions in a nine-county North Texas region that doesn't meet federal ozone standards.

Read more at The...

Statement from Range Resources:

  • “Based on our findings to date, it’s very clear that our activities have not had any impact on the water aquifer in southern Parker County or the subject water wells...

AUSTIN—The Railroad Commission of Texas has been notified that the Environmental Protection Agency is issuing an Endangerment Order for southern Parker County even though the Commission’s investigation is actively ongoing,

and Commission staff have made no conclusions about possible sources of natural gas and hydrocarbons found in a water well.

Additionally, no...

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality plans to give the University of Texas at Arlington $1.2 million next year to purchase and operate four air-quality monitors near natural-gas drilling sites in the Barnett Shale, officials announced Friday. 

The planned partnership is in response to public-health concerns about possible pollution coming from natural gas drilling...

Previously scheduled to debate Josh Fox on the Huffington Post website later this month, Energy In Depth (EID) was disappointed to learn this week Fox abruptly decided to pull-out – “due to his schedule,”

the organizers told us ...

History records July 11, 2008 as the date on which the price for a barrel of oil peaked at an all-time high of $147.27, but at the time, no one knew quite how high it would ultimately go. What we did know was this: The American people were angry, had plenty of questions, and wanted real, straightforward answers.

Since its release on July 12, 2010, several questions have been asked about the “Ambient Air Quality Study."

1) How much did the study cost? Where did the funding come from?

The study cost approximately $350,000 and it was paid for by the members of the Barnett Shale Energy Education Council, comprised of energy producers, pipeline companies and related energy vendors not only...

Recognizing the community’s need for more information about natural gas operations and air quality, the Barnett Shale Energy Education Council (BSEEC) commissioned an air quality testing project of natural gas sites in Fort Worth and Arlington says FW Business Press.

See a recent presentation on the air quality study conducted for the Barnett Shale Energy Education Council.

The entire study and lab reports are posted on this website. Ed Ireland, Ph.D., the council's executive director, has been sharing the presentation with civic and business...