QuickSSL Premium Certificates

On sale now! Geotrust QuickSSL Premium Certificate

For a limited time only,
get 30% off QuickSSL

Two years for only


Establish Trust

With a QuickSSL Premium certificate, visitors will see a padlock in their browsers, indicating higher security.

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Protect Visitor Information and Secure Transactions

Now you can boost customer confidence in your website with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate — a method of securing data transmissions across the Internet.

How It Works

An SSL certificate serves as a digital "passport" that allows data to be transmitted over secure networks — protecting financial and credit card transactions, signups, Web access to mail, sensitive information and intranets.

You should have a QuickSSL Premium certificate if you are collecting any personal information through your site or if you want to share confidential information over the Internet. By solving two essential security issues, authentication and encryption, SSLs protect your website against:

  • Spoofing: Unprotected website pages can be copied, and online criminals can use your domain name to collect money and personal information from your customers and visitors.
  • Unauthorized Disclosure: When sensitive information is sent unprotected over the Internet, it's easy for hackers to capture and use it for fraudulent activities.
  • Data Alteration: Transactions can be intercepted and edited either accidentally or intentionally.


  • Issued By GeoTrust®
  • Up to 2048-bit Encryption
  • Secure access over "https"
  • Mobile Device Compatible
  • $100,000 Protection Level
  • Extended Warranty
  • Unlimited Free Reissues
  • GeoSure Protection Plan

On Sale Now — Two Years for Only $89.95!

Note: Two year certificates will now automatically renew every two years at $179.90. One year certificates will now automatically renew every year at $99.95. Customers must manually re-install the certificate. A domain name is required to utilize SSL Certificates.

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