Barack Obama

Chris Carlson/Associated Press
News about Barack Obama, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Nov. 6, 2014

    Pres Obama shakes off electoral drubbing and says he is eager to find common ground with Republicans during the final two years of his presidency, but simultaneously vows to bypass Congress to change immigration system; House Republicans have pushed their majority to 246, level not seen since the Harry S Truman administration, and several races still to be decided could push that total even higher. MORE

  2. Nov. 6, 2014

    Russia announces plans to boycott an international nuclear security summit meeting to be hosted by Pres Obama, latest sign of the deteriorating relationship between the two nuclear powers, particularly over clash in Ukraine. MORE

  3. Nov. 6, 2014

    Pres Obama says he will seek specific authorization from Congress for military campaign against Islamic State militants, opening door to lengthy, potentially contentious debate over nature and extent of American engagement in Iraq and Syria; announcement represents significant shift from Obama's earlier position that he had legal authority to take military action under existing statutes. MORE

  4. Nov. 6, 2014

    Pres Obama requests just over $6 billion in emergency funding from Congress to combat Ebola in West Africa and protect Americans from virus in United States. MORE

  5. Nov. 6, 2014

    Editorial notes Pres Obama's post-election news conference in which he refused to submit to Republican narrative that his presidency effectively ended with midterm elections; supports Obama's vow to not let Republicans gut health care law; observes that both Obama and new Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell outlined areas where they hope to find common ground. MORE

  6. Nov. 6, 2014

    Political Memo; relationship between expected Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and President Obama could determine Obama's legislative legacy and Republican presidential fortunes in 2016; they have had six years of sparse communication and social interaction but frequent open hostility. MORE

  7. Nov. 5, 2014

    Republican capture of Senate culminates season of discontent for Pres Obama, and may yet open a period of even deeper frustration in his final two years in office; sagging in polls and unwelcome in most competitive races across country, Obama bristled as last campaign that would influence his presidency played out while he sat largely on sidelines. MORE

  8. Nov. 5, 2014

    Republicans expand their majority in House of Representatives, riding wave of dissatisfaction with Pres Obama to victories that will embolden Speaker John A Boehner as he tries to manage rebellious Tea Party caucus. MORE

  9. Nov. 5, 2014

    News analysis; midterm elections deliver resounding rejection of Pres Obama's call for consensus among Americans, which he made a decade ago in his national political debut; elections illustrate geographical limitations of party Obama powerfully remade with young and diverse coalition. MORE

  10. Nov. 5, 2014

    Resurgent Republicans take control of Senate, expand their hold on the House, and defend some of most closely contested governors' races, in a repudiation of President Obama that will reorder the political map in his final years in office; propelled by economic dissatisfaction and anger toward Obama, GOP grabs Democratic Senate seats in North Carolina, Colorado, Iowa, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana and South Dakota. MORE

  11. Nov. 3, 2014

    Pres Obama implores voters to cast aside cynicism and turn out to elect Democrats, making his closing argument before midterm congressional elections; Obama makes case while campaigning for Tom Wolf, who has substantial lead in his race against Pennsylvania Gov Tom Corbett. MORE

  12. Nov. 3, 2014

    Kenneth Tate, former security guard at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, questions why he was fired by the agency after operating elevator for Pres Obama; Tate was carrying CDC-issued firearm at the time, and his case was used as example of failing Secret Service. MORE

  13. Nov. 3, 2014

    Editorial urges Pres Obama to swap Alan Gross, American government subcontractor imprisoned in Cuba, with three convicted Cuban spies who have served more than 16 years in federal prison; contends case meets criteria of exceptional circumstances; maintains prisoner swap would pave way for new bilateral relationship. MORE

  14. Nov. 3, 2014

    Charles M Blow Op-Ed column notes that Pres Obama has been making direct appeals to African-Americans in his efforts to bolster Democrats' chances in midterm elections; contends these appeals underscore the difficulty of calculating the degree to which race has affected Obama's presidency. MORE

  15. Nov. 2, 2014

    Pres Obama has directed his team to forge a policy agenda that will allow him to regain momentum for his final two years in office even as some advisers urge that he rethink the way he governs; top administration aides have met for weeks to plot final quarter of his presidency, anticipating a less friendly Congress after the midterm elections and mapping possible compromises with Republicans. MORE

  16. Nov. 2, 2014

    Pres Obama's dive in popularity has left him relegated to campaigning in only deep-blue pockets of the country, as Democrats struggle with politically challenging terrain to keep their Senate majority; many rallies Obama attends are as much about framing his legacy as they are about electing Democrats. MORE

  17. Oct. 31, 2014

    Pres Obama visits Portland, Me, to campaign for Rep Mike Michaud, who is in a tight race with Republican Gov Paul LePage and attends a fund-raiser, in part of final five-state campaign swing. MORE

  18. Oct. 30, 2014

    Stumbles in the government's handling of Ebola crisis and Islamic State are fueling speculation that Pres Obama may shake up his foreign policy team; Obama has already brought in Ron Klain, former chief of staff to Vice Pres Joseph R Biden, to manage the response to Ebola and Gen John R Allen, former commander in Afghanistan, to marshal the coalition against the Islamic State. MORE

  19. Oct. 29, 2014

    Pres Obama, shunned by his party’s most vulnerable congressional candidates in advance of the midterm elections, begins a final five-state campaign swing aimed at pumping up Democratic turnout and winning a handful of governor’s races. MORE

  20. Oct. 27, 2014

    Twelve Nobel Peace Prize winners urge fellow laureate Pres Obama to make full disclosure to the American people concerning use of torture by United States; demand release of long-delayed Senate report about the CIA's torture of terrorism suspects after the attacks of Sept 11, 2001. MORE

  21. Oct. 26, 2014

    Democrats are bracing for difficult midterm elections in which party could lose control of Senate, and some are already moving to pin blame on Pres Obama. MORE

  22. Oct. 26, 2014

    Frank Bruni Op-Ed column examines father-son psychodramas underpinning the presidencies of George W Bush, Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama; observes that while Bush was driven in part by his desire for his father's approval, Clinton and Obama have both admitted being motivated by the absence of their fathers. MORE

  23. Oct. 25, 2014

    Former Pres Bill Clinton and former aides say that he was able to accomplish much during his years in office despite facing extreme partisanship and series of highly personal attacks; comments, coming ahead of expected presidential run by Hillary Clinton, appear intended to discount arguments that Pres Obama's efforts have been undermined by partisanship; some experts maintain that Obama faces more difficulties than Clinton did. MORE

  24. Oct. 22, 2014

    News analysis; Americans' confidence in Pres Obama and federal agencies under him is eroding as government missteps and scandals mount; while government may be no more dysfunctional than in past, perception of its failures has been heightened by news media, social media and calculating efforts of partisans; impression of incompetence has come to shape dialogue leading up to midterm elections. MORE

  25. Oct. 22, 2014

    Editorial contends one reason for Pres Obama's unpopularity is that Democrats have done poor job of defending his policies; warns Democratic candidates running for Senate who are distancing themselves from Obama that they are running risk of alienating important constituencies and legitimizing Republican criticisms of Obama's policies. MORE

  26. Oct. 21, 2014

    Pres Obama says he now believes that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage in all 50 states but expresses support for the more incremental approach taken by the Supreme Court. MORE

  27. Oct. 21, 2014

    Editorial holds President Obama should not consider any legal loophole that might permit an American official to engage in torture or cruelty, no matter where it takes place; contends humane treatment is not just an Obama administration policy, but rather permanent national and international law. MORE

  28. Oct. 19, 2014

    Democrats are deploying prominent black elected officials and other surrogates to stoke black turnout in midterm elections, which will likely determine whether Democrats retain control of Senate; elections in Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina and possibly Arkansas could be influenced by greater turnout on part of African-Americans, but candidates in those states have avoided being seen as too close to Pres Obama. MORE

  29. Oct. 19, 2014

    Obama administration is weighing whether to back away from president's earlier view, expressed when he was Illinois senator, that United Nations treaty against torture applies to American-run facilities anywhere in world; administration has never officially declared position on treaty and is considering reaffirming Bush administration’s position that treaty imposes no legal obligation on United States to bar cruelty outside its borders. MORE

  30. Oct. 19, 2014

    Frank Bruni Op-Ed column contends possibility of spread of Ebola in the United States is ravaging Americans' already tenuous faith in competence of the government and its bureaucracies; posits that Pres Obama's response to Ebola outbreak is good example of his presidency, with his tendency to talk too loosely at the outset of things. MORE

  31. Oct. 18, 2014

    Pres Obama continues to insist that dangers to American public over possible Ebola exposure are overstated in news media, but White House officials say he is seething over how government has handled key elements of response; he reportedly places much of blame on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for shifting and wrong information and for inadequate training on proper protective procedures for doctors and nurses. MORE

  32. Oct. 18, 2014

    Pres Obama signs executive order to strengthen security on federally issued credit cards and government payment systems, part of push to protect Americans from identity theft and fraud. MORE

  33. Oct. 17, 2014

    Pres Obama remains at White House to focus on government's response to Ebola outbreak; cancels second day of election-season travel as administration concentrates on what is already turning into political as well as public health crisis; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr Thomas R Frieden undergoes sharp questioning before House committee. MORE

  34. Oct. 15, 2014

    Pres Obama predicts periods of progress and setbacks in war against Islamic State militants, praising initial success of effort but warning headway will take time; remarks come amid unusual address before senior military chiefs from 21 nations, at which Obama seeks to demonstrate a unity of purpose in the coalition's offensive. MORE

  35. Oct. 11, 2014

    Pres Obama says he is 'unequivocally committed' to net neutrality and is firmly opposed to any proposal that would let companies buy Internet fast lane to deliver their content more quickly to consumers. MORE

  36. Oct. 10, 2014

    Actress Gwyneth Paltrow hosts Democratic National Committee fundraiser for Pres Barack Obama at her Brentwood, Calif, home. MORE

  37. Oct. 8, 2014

    Pres Obama has become isolated political figures who is viewed as liability to Democrats running for office in state where voters by the thousands once cheered for him; some leading Democrats say it would be better for Obama to make case for party's economic policies safely away from the most crucial races. MORE

  38. Oct. 8, 2014

    White House Memo; for the Obama administration, Leon E Panetta's latest memoir Worthy Fights has been greeted with weary resignation. MORE

  39. Oct. 8, 2014

    Op-Ed article by Prof Fredrik Logevall and author Gordon M Goldstein questions whether Pres Obama will allow America to be drawn into situation in Iraq and Syria similar to country's involvement in Vietnam; compares initial reluctance and political pressures faced by Pres Lyndon Johnson to those encountered by Obama; holds that Obama's gloomy realism may not save him from ill-advised military action, particularly once he has started down slippery slope of intervention. MORE

  40. Oct. 7, 2014

    Leon Panetta book Worthy Fights: A Memoir of Leadership in War and Peace offers blunt account of his time in the Obama administration; Panetta draws largely respectful portrait of Pres Obama, but is critical of some of Obama's decisions. MORE

  41. Oct. 6, 2014

    Sen Tim Kaine of Virginia, longtime supporter of Pres Obama, has become one of the most outspoken critics of the president's use of war powers; is emerging as unlikely leader in fight between Congress and White House over president's ability to pursue action against ISIS without authorization; has introduced legislation to repeal 2002 authorization of force that paved the way for the invasion of Iraq. MORE

  42. Oct. 6, 2014

    Editorial contends talks between Pres Obama and Indian Pres Narendra Modi have revived threatened relations between the two countries, but leaders must work much harder if partnership is to be fruitful; outlines key issues, including economic cooperation between India and the United States, future of nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan, and question of whether Modi will truly defend the rights of Indian minorities. MORE

  43. Oct. 3, 2014

    Furor that led to resignation of director of Secret Service has resonated deeply among blacks, who are outraged that those supposed to be guarding first black president are somehow falling down on the job; profound doubts in black community that lapses do not have to do with Pres Obama's race emphasize nation's persistent racial divide and reflect abiding fear for Obama's security. MORE

  44. Oct. 3, 2014

    Pres Obama, speaking at Northwestern University in Illinois, seeks to rally voters behind Democrats ahead of November congressional elections; trumpets country's economic success. MORE

  45. Oct. 3, 2014

    Op-Ed article by author Ann Hagedorn questions government vetting of private security contractors that are being employed by increasing number of agencies; says revelation that Pres Obama rode in elevator with a contractor who was carrying a gun and had an arrest record should shake all Americans from complacency; calls for system of checks and balances in government contracting that reflects new age of private security. MORE

  46. Oct. 2, 2014

    Julia Pierson resigns under pressure as director of the Secret Service after failing to quell bipartisan political furor over repeated breaches of White House security and losing confidence of Pres Obama; Joseph Clancy, former Secret Service agent in charge of the Presidential Protective Division, is appointed acting director. MORE

  47. Oct. 2, 2014

    Editorial applauds Pres Obama's use of his Antiquities Act authority to expand the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument from 87,000 square miles to nearly 500,000 square miles; notes commercial fishing or seabed mining now will not be allowed, keeping ocean pristine; holds benefits to environment and animals will be profound, especially if other countries follow Obama's example. MORE

  48. Oct. 1, 2014

    Members of Congress declare loss of confidence in Secret Service to protect Pres Obama and his family and raise serious doubts that Julia Pierson, director of agency, is right person to confront its systemic problems; lawmakers from both parties call for independent investigation after three hours of combative questioning in wake of revelations about just how far into White House intruder Omar J Gonzalez managed to get. MORE

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Highlights From the Archives

News Analysis

Obama Wins a Clear Victory, but Balance of Power Is Unchanged in Washington

After $6 billion, two dozen presidential primary days, four general election debates and more TV ads than anyone could watch, the two parties essentially fought to a standstill.

November 8, 2012 usNews Analysis
Man in the News | Barack Hussein Obama

4 Years Later, Scarred but Still Confident

President Obama is making the case that while progress is slow, he is taking America to a better place — and that he will be a better president over the next four years than the last.

September 6, 2012 usNews

Obama Elected President as Racial Barrier Falls

Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States, as the country chose him as its first black chief executive.

November 5, 2008 usNews


Chance for Tax Overhaul Is Seen in Shift of Power

Tax restructuring, international trade and budget policy may offer common ground for Democrats and Republicans in President Obama’s final two years in office.

November 7, 2014, Friday

Myanmar Policy’s Message to Muslims: Get Out

A government plan to resettle Muslim minorities who cannot meet strict standards for naturalized citizenship has spurred a major exodus, rights groups say.

November 7, 2014, Friday
The Texas Tribune

Obama Action on Immigration Could Benefit Texas Economy

Analysts say that if the president takes executive action, the state’s agricultural, construction and service industries may be better off.

November 7, 2014, Friday

A Post-Election Day Certainty: New Scrutiny for the Affordable Care Act

Tuesday’s Republican victory ensures a new round of attention over the Affordable Care Act as people on both sides of the partisan divide would like to repair provisions of the law.

November 7, 2014, Friday

Broad Shield Requested Against Deportations

Activists asked President Obama to protect from deportation seven million of the 11.7 million people in the country illegally.

November 7, 2014, Friday

In Egypt, Business as Usual

The Egyptian government moves to silence pro-democracy groups, and what does the State Department do? It holds an investment conference in Cairo.

November 7, 2014, Friday
Today's Editorials

Decision Time on Immigration

Waiting for Congress to help fix immigration is delusional. President Obama should take executive action now and make it big.

November 7, 2014, Friday
Op-Ed | Timothy Egan

The Big Sleep

Can we treat the next two years as a fog of fractious do-nothingism already passed? Because two people are poised to complete some unfinished business.

November 7, 2014, Friday
First Draft

Details on Obama's Ebola Funding Request

When President Obama meets with the congressional leadership on Friday, he will ask them to authorize $6.18 billion to fight Ebola, including upgrading a nationwide network of hospitals in the United States to treat patients with the disease.

November 6, 2014, Thursday
First Draft

Boehner Says Obama Risks 'Burning Himself' on Immigration

An emboldened Speaker John A. Boehner warned President Obama against unilateral action to overhaul the immigration system.

November 6, 2014, Thursday


President Obama’s Election Night Speech

“Tonight you voted for action, not politics as usual,” President Obama said after winning the election. “You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours.”

Milestones: Barack Obama

An interactive timeline of Barack Obama’s life and career.


Boehner Urges Against Executive Action

John A. Boehner, the House speaker, cautioned President Obama not to take executive action on immigration and called for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

Obama Honors Civil War Soldier

President Obama awarded the nation’s highest military honor to a Union soldier who was killed more than 150 years ago during the Battle of Gettysburg.

Mitch McConnell’s Path to Victory

The career of the Kentucky senator expected to become Senate majority leader and his promises to change the Senate.

Obama Promises Action on Immigration

In his first speech after Republicans won control of Congress, President Obama pledged executive action on immigration “before the end of the year.”

Obama on Working With the New Congress

President Obama said he looked forward to the Republicans putting forward their governing agenda after they regained control of Congress in the midterm elections.

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