Digital Submissions

Standards for pipeline digital submissions

In order to submit digital data an operator must be able to generate one of three geospatial file types: Shape Files (.shp, .shx, .dbf) or .E00 Files or ASCII Files (.txt). These three Geospatial (GIS) file types are further described in the text below.  If an operator is unable to convert their data into one of these three GIS file formats, then the Commission encourages operators to contact a vendor who specializes in GIS Data Conversion.  The Commission does not provide training in GIS software, data conversion or FTP.   

To facilitate the submission of digital data, the Commission has created a List of Vendors who have complied with our data submission requirements.   If your current pipeline data is in CAD format, than you may find it difficult to convert your data without the help of a GIS Specialist.

Steps to Setup an FTP Account (PDF)

Instructions for Submitting and Receiving Digital Data via FTP (includes sample email) (PDF)

Attribute Definitions (PDF) – Provides a detailed description of each required attribute field.

Commodity List (PDF) – Provides commodity, commodity description, and system type.

Shape Files (.shp, .shx, .dbf)

  • Submit only one set of shape files per permit.
  • Submit files using the Geographic Coordinate System (GCS), which means that the x-/y- coordinate values are using the longitude/latitude values for the State of Texas.  These values are –93 to –107 decimal degrees for the x-coordinate and 25 to 37 decimal degrees for the y-coordinate value.  NAD 27 or NAD 83
  • All files must start with a lower case “t” and not contain a space. Example: t01234

Other Geospatial File Options:

  • E00 format with joined attributes (t01234)
  • E00 format (t01234) with separate attribute file (ta01234) (.dbf or.mdb).
  • ASCII format (tg01234) with separate attribute file (ta01234)

Naming Files:

  • t = T4
  • 01234 = permit number or use system name if permit number not assigned yet (maximum of 8 characters)
  • ta = separate attribute file
  • tg = ASCII file

Please Note: The Railroad Commission of Texas in no way recommends or promotes any particular software, however several operators have used WS_FTP LE, a windows version of FTP. There are various websites from which this software can be downloaded, however in order to facilitate the transfer of data here are two of those various websites: and The Commission in no way recommends or promotes either of these websites. This information is provided to facilitate the transfer of data. If you choose to use the DOS version of FTP, instructions are provided in the information sent to operators when an FTP account is opened.

*Most Windows Operating Systems are equipped with a DOS version of FTP.

For any questions you may have regarding this information, please send them to the following email address:


Last Updated: 5/15/2014 3:43:47 PM