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By joining Natural Gas STAR, the partners listed below commit to improving their environmental performance through the implementation of cost-effective technologies and practices to reduce emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. The Partnership includes oil and natural gas companies operating both domestically (based in the United States) and abroad.

View Natural Gas STAR partner list as a PDF (4 pp, 250K, About PDF)

International Sector | Production Sector | Gathering and Processing Sector | Transmission Sector | Distribution Sector | Endorsers

International Sector

Partner Partner Since STAR Service Representative EPA Program Manager
Comgas 2008 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
ConocoPhillips Canada Ltd. 2006 Allison Berkowitz Roger Fernandez
Devon Canada 2013 Allison Berkowitz Roger Fernandez
Ecumed Petroleum Tunisia, Ltd. 2012 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Empresa Nacional del Petroleo (ENAP) 2009 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
ENAP Sipetrol S.A. (international affiliate of ENAP) 2009 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
GAIL (India) Ltd. 2011 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. 2009 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Kuwait Oil Company 2013 Allison Berkowitz Roger Fernandez
Marathon Oil Corporation 2006 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Naftogaz 2009 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos
Occidental Oil and Gas Corporation 2006 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Odessagaz 2013 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos
OGX Petroleo e Gas Ltda 2013 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) 2007 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos
Petronet LNG Limited 2012 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos
PT Pertamina EP, Aset 3 2014 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos
PTT 2013 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos
Star Energy (Kakap) Ltd. 2011 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos
TransCanada 2006 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
UKRTRANSGAZ 2014 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos
VICO Indonesia 2013 Allison Berkowitz Scott Bartos

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Production Sector

Partner Partner Since STAR Service Representative EPA Program Manager
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation * 1996 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Apache Corporation 2004 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
BP 1995 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation 2010 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Chesapeake Energy 2007 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Chevron Corporation 1995 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Chevron North America Exploration and Production Company (Gulf of Mexico Business Unit) 2011 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
ConocoPhillips Alaska Natural Gas Corporation 2006 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
ConocoPhillips Petroleum Company 2000 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
El Paso E & P Company, L.P. 2003 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. 2004 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Energen Resources 2003 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
ExxonMobil Production Company 1995 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Hess Corporation's Americas Exploration and Production 1997 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
HighMount E&P LLC 2009 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Hunt Oil Company 2004 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Marathon Oil Company 1994 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Murphy Exploration and Production Company 2000 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Noble Energy, Inc. 2005 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Occidental Oil and Gas Corporation 2004 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Quicksilver Resources 2003 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Shell Exploration & Production Company 1995 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Southwestern Energy Company 2005 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Torch Energy 2003 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Wexpro Company 2014 Elina Bouloubasis Jerome Blackman

*Kerr-McGee Oil and Gas joined the Natural Gas STAR Program in 1996 and was purchased by Anadarko in 2006.

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Gathering and Processing Sector

Partner Partner Since STAR Service Representative EPA Program Manager
BP 2000 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Chevron Corporation 2000 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
DCP Midstream 2001 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. 2004 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Enogex LLC 2003 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
ONEOK Partners 2000 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc. 2000 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Targa Resources, Inc. 2000 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Western Gas Resources (a wholly owned subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation) 2001 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman

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Transmission Sector

Partner Partner Since STAR Service Representative EPA Program Manager
Carolina Gas Transmission (a SCANA Corporation Company) 1996 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Central Valley Gas Storage, L.L.C. 2012 Elina Bouloubasis Jerome Blackman
Colorado Interstate Gas Company (An El Paso Transmission Company) 1995 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation (a NiSource Transmission Company) 1999 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Columbia Gulf Transmission Company (a NiSource Transmission Company) 1999 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Consumers Energy 1996 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Dominion Transmission, Inc. 2011 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
DTE Energy - MichCon 1996 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
El Paso Natural Gas Company 1996 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Enbridge, Inc. 2005 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Gill Ranch Storage, LLC 2010 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Iroquois Gas Transmission System 1996 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Kinder Morgan 1993 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
New Mexico Gas Company 2005 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Northern Natural Gas 2003 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
ONEOK Partners 2005 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1994 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Piedmont Natural Gas 2001 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Source Gas LLC 2008 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Southern California Gas Company 1993 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Southern Natural Gas Company (An El Paso Transmission Company) 1993 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Southwest Gas Corporation 1997 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Spectra Energy Transmission 2000 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company (An El Paso Transmission Company) 1993 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. 2014 Elina Bouloubasis Jerome Blackman
Williams Gas Pipeline 1993 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman

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Distribution Sector

Partner Partner Since STAR Service Representative EPA Program Manager
AGL Resources 1993 Elina Bouloubasis Jerome Blackman
Atmos Energy Corporation 1999 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company 1993 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Berkshire Gas 2007 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
CenterPoint Energy Arkla/Entex 2001 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas 1997 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation 1995 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Citizens Energy Group 1993 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc. (a NiSource Distribution Company) 1993 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. (a NiSource Distribution Company) 1993 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Columbia Gas of Massachusetts, Inc. (a NiSource Distribution Company) 1994 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. (a NiSource Distribution Company) 1993 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. (a NiSource Distribution Company) 1993 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Columbia Gas of Virginia, Inc. (a NiSource Distribution Company) 1993 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation 2007 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. 1993 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Consumers Energy 1996 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Corning Natural Gas Corporation 2007 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Delmarva Power 1996 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
DTE Energy - MichCon 1996 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Equitable Gas Co. 1994 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Kansas Gas Services (a ONEOK Distribution Company) 2008 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Laclede Gas Co. 2007 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
National Grid 1994 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
New Jersey Natural Gas Company 2004 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
New Mexico Gas Company 2005 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
New York State Electric & Gas Corporation 1993 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Nicor Gas 2004 Elina Bouloubasis Jerome Blackman
Northern Indiana Public Service Company (a NiSource Distribution Company) 1994 Heather Wright Carey Bylin
Oklahoma Natural Gas (a ONEOK Distribution Company) 2008 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. 1994 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Pacific Gas and Electric Company 1994 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
PECO Energy Company 1995 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Piedmont Natural Gas 2001 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Public Service Electric and Gas Company 1993 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation 1994 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Source Gas LLC 2008 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (a SCANA Corporation Company) 1996 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Southern California Gas Company 1993 Allison Berkowitz Carey Bylin
Southern Connecticut Gas Company 2007 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Southwest Gas Corporation 1997 Heather Wright Jerome Blackman
Texas Gas Services (a ONEOK Distribution Company) 2008 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
UGI Central Penn Gas 2010 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
UGI Penn Natural Gas 2010 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
UGI Utilities, Inc. 1993 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. 2014 Elina Bouloubasis Jerome Blackman
Washington Gas 1993 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman
Xcel Energy 2008 Allison Berkowitz Jerome Blackman

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Endorser Endorser Since
The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) 2005
American Exploration & Production Council 1993
American Gas Association (AGA) 1993
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Institute for Sustainability 2005
American Petroleum Institute (API) 1994
Colorado Oil and Gas Association (COGA) 2005
Gas Processors Association (GPA) 1993
Gulf Coast Environmental Affairs Group (GCEAG) 2004
Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) 2005
Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) 1996
Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) 2005
Montana Petroleum Association (MPA) 2008
Natural Gas Supply Association (NGSA) 1995
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) 1997
Northeast Gas Association (NGA) 2005
Petroleum Association of Wyoming (PAW) 2005
Petroleum Technology Transfer Council 2005
Southern Gas Association (SGA) 1998
Texas Alliance of Energy Producers 2005
Western Energy Alliance 2004

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