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Clear water image via shutterstock.

Postel interviewed on KJZZ

November 12, 2014

Post Carbon Fellow Sandra Postel talks on KJZZ radio about water conservation efforts in the western US. Listen to the interview Your browser does not support this audio format.


Hughes report in High Country News

November 11, 2014

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes’ report for PCI Drilling Deeper was featured in this article on the Western US oil booms. From the article: Last month, Hughes released “Drilling Deeper,” a report he authored for Santa Rosa-based Post Carbon...


McKibben on Shell in the Huffington Post

November 10, 2014

Post Carbon Fellow Bill McKibben slammed Shell as “among the most irresponsible companies on earth” in a recent keynote at a conference sponsored by the energy giant. From the article: Having just come from a climate conference sponsored by...


Hopkins in the Montreal Gazette

November 7, 2014

Post Carbon Fellow and Transition Network found Rob Hopkins was featured in the Montreal Gazette. From the article: He likens the Transition model to an app, insofar as it’s a design-based technology to get something done: in this case,...


Drilling Deeper reviewed at Oilprice.com

October 29, 2014

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes’ new report for PCI Drilling Deeper: A Reality Check on US Government Forecasts For a Lasting Tight Oil and Shale Gas Boom was reviewed at Oilprice.com. From the article: Hughes estimates that the average shale...


Drilling Deeper report on Cleantechnica

October 27, 2014

Post Carbon Institute’s latest report by David Hughes on the prospects for shale gas and tight oil was featured in this article at Cleantechnica. From the article: If you are one of those people who smell the stench of...


Shuman Q&A at Ticket Sarasota

October 23, 2014

Post Carbon Fellow Michael Shuman was interviewed ahead of Transition Sarasota’s Eat Local Week. From the interview: Cooper Levey-Baker: I’ve read about localization also being a necessary tool to combat climate change. Michael Shuman: Whether your fear is climate...