Sky Ferreira was an Enjoyable Train Wreck at Fun Fun Fun Fest Last Night

Categories: Last Night

Remy Ryan
Getting up close and personal with Sky Ferreira in Austin last night

So why wasn't it just terrible? Well, for one, Ferreira's attitude was amusingly resilient. At one point, after a particularly rough take on "I Blame Myself," which required stronger than normal vocals, she shrugged it off: "Sorry, I get nervous sometimes," she said with breathtaking understatement. At another point, she even referred to the set as a "train wreck," but the audience laughed along with her; when she introduced "I Blame Myself," there was a noticeable titter in the crowd.

And really, who cares? Ferreira has a reputation for lousy live shows, but that doesn't mean Night Time, My Time doesn't still have a handful of killer, catchy pop tunes (and a few other pretty good ones) -- and it didn't stop people from flocking to The Belmont to see her. The whole situation was so bad that it was almost like watching performance art, and Ferreira's ability to shrug it off (as though she'd been through this rodeo before) was strangely endearing.

Which brings up a second, but equally important point: This was, in its own bizarre way, a quintessentially Fun Fun Fun Fest experience. Had Ferreira played on the Blue Stage, as was originally planned, she likely would've lost the crowd quickly. But with only 100 or 200 people in the courtyard having just seen three days of great music, it all felt difficult to get angry about. We'd mostly gotten what we'd paid for already, so why not top it off with an intimate and, in its own way, unique experience?

Music is inexplicably enjoyable that way and this festival, as much as any other, is the perfect place to be reminded of it. Then again, maybe you just had to be there.


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