
Tips For Staying Safe During Winter Weather

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(credit: Chris Moore)

(credit: Chris Moore)

(credit: KTVT/KTXA) Stephanie Lucero
Stephanie is an Emmy Award winning veteran reporter for CBS 11 N...
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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Do not mess with Mother Nature. Temperatures dipped below the freezing mark across most of North Texas for the second consecutive day, so anyone who is heading outside will want to make sure that they are bundled up and staying warm.

A wintry mix even fell in some parts of the DFW area, giving cars parked outside a thin dusting of sleet and ice.

The cold is nothing to take lightly. Doctors stated that this time of the year is when many people are unprepared for the health impacts of winter weather. The wind chill alone can aggravate other existing illnesses, like asthma.

Dr. Alex Eastman from Parkland Hospital in Dallas said that he and his team expect to see several cases of frostbite and hypothermia come through the doors this winter. “There’s differences in the way we prepare,” Eastman said. “People in the north, who are used to being in the cold, they plan ahead. They wear jackets and reduce their radiation, heat loss by covering their head and wearing a coat and jacket.”

Doctors are urging North Texans to use some common sense when getting ready for work or school on Thursday. Make sure that you dress in layers and stay inside as much as possible.

And, if your vehicle is one of those that got covered in ice on Thursday morning, there are some tips that could help you out. First, do not make the mistake of warming your car up by leaving it idling. Experts say that gently driving a car will warm the engine faster.

Also, if your car lock is frozen, officials with AAA suggest dipping the key in rubbing alcohol or warming it with a match or lighter before putting it in the keyhole.

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