
Bush vs. Clinton: Ex-presidents duke it out via hashtag


Ah, those ex-presidents and their social media! Don’t get between Bill Clinton and George W. Bush when it comes to hashtags.

Clinton, a Twitter fanatic with 2.57 million followers, couldn’t resist gigging the 43rd president about not joining the 140 characters or less club in a fun tweet using the hashtags #HowAreYouSTILLNotOnTwitter and #PresidentialTweeters.

Bush responded on Instagram with a reference to the almost-fraternal bond they share. His note with the post from below: “Thanks, 42! Hope you like the book about your pal, #41″ along with both of Clinton’s hashtags and this new one: #BrotherFromAnotherMother. Bush had more than 19,000 “likes” on his Instagram note.

We think it’s now time for George H.W. Bush, an ex-president who does use Twitter, to get in on the social media razzing. Or maybe Jeb Bush, who’s been known to post a playful tweet about his mother, should weigh in.




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