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Heinberg sees pain ahead for frackers

November 12, 2014

Note: Segment begins at 20:57. Erin sits down with Richard Heinberg – senior fellow at the Post Carbon Institute – to discuss oil. Richard tells us how he interprets the potential deal between China and Russia for Western Siberian...

Drilling rig image via shutterstock.

The Peak Oil Crisis: A Reality Check

October 30, 2014

For the last four or five years, we have been bombarded with a stream of stories about the “shale revolution.” Horizontal drilling and fracking, mostly in the U.S., were said to have released oceans of new oil and a...

© Sidney Harris

Paul Krugman and the Limits of Hubris

October 10, 2014

Economist Paul Krugman evidently feels irked and irritated by the notion that there might be limits to economic expansion: he has followed up his New York Times op-ed of September 18 (“Errors and Emissions,” to which I replied here)...