Category: Jobs & Career Advice

Report: Energy jobs have led economic recovery

The increases in oil and gas industry employment has nearly overtaken the number of all the jobs lost in the last decade, according to a new report  More »

Continuing career development: here’s what I’m reading

There is lots out there already on the web, but the downside is that it is difficult to put all of this information into one, cohesive whole on a particular topic. Furthermore, when you do find something particularly interesting, the nature of the article format means that there are limits to how deep a piece can go: you’re hooked from the first sentence, and just as it starts getting good, the article ends!  More »

Hercules Offshore to lay off 324 workers

Houston-based drilling rig contractor Hercules Offshore has told Texas regulators it will lay off 324 employees as it shuts down four rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.  More »

Energy Day Festival Links Future Generations with Future Prosperity

The U.S. Dept. of Labor announced in October that the number of job openings in the U.S. has reached 4.8 million, the highest since January 2001. In addition, a recent report by Manpower, a worldwide staffing company, predicted that the number of jobs in the energy sector, unquestionably one of the nation’s fastest growing industries, […]  More »

Here’s one oil & gas industry outreach program you should definitely stand behind

The message is so important, and the company pushing that message is so appropriate, that I can’t help but be really, really enthused about this latest outreach effort from one particular and very significant player in the oil & gas industry.  More »

Commentary: What does it take to call yourself a “professional”?

Being a professional isn’t then just receiving payment in exchange for a service. It represents a state of “being”, a code you set for yourself that encompasses not only expertise in your chosen field, but also striving for to meet the highest standards of moral behavior and personal conduct.  More »

Here’s “The Way Ahead” for your oil & gas career

I was just starting out my career at the time, and it was truly as if everything I was thinking at the time was captured exactly in the pages of that first issue I received.  More »

Why Keystone XL Still Matters – 6 Years and Counting

Today marks the six year anniversary for TransCanada’s application for a presidential permit to build the remaining portion of the Keystone Pipeline system, better known as Keystone XL. After six long years of pushing paper in Washington, political rhetoric, and redundant studies, we still have inadequate infrastructure to manage the growing supply of crude oil […]  More »

Want to improve your business acumen? Take some tips from Gordon Ramsay

Believe it or not, you can learn a lot from reality television.  More »

Job negotiations: If you feel you’re getting a raw deal, you probably are

One of the best parts about writing this column has been hearing from readers around the world, and this week I’ll share one such exchange to illustrate how a “good” negotiation should go.  More »

Maersk Oil to lay off a fourth of Houston staff

Diminishing returns in Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico have pushed Maersk Oil to cut a quarter of the jobs at its Houston office.  More »

How is your “professional hygiene” routine?

Just as you wouldn’t go to bed without brushing your teeth (right?…) here are a few good habits you should work into your regular routine, daily, then weekly, monthly and yearly.  More »
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